Multisim and Ultiboard

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NEW – Multisim Touch on the iPad

The Multisim Touch for the iPad is an all new product developed specifically for students, educators, and engineers that need powerful simulation and intuitive design tools available on their iPad. This native SPICE simulation and design app allows users to quickly build circuits with a library of common devices and visualize performance in an intuitive graphing interface. With this tool users are able to begin designing circuits whenever inspiration occurs.


                   Picture1.png     Picture2.png


Multisim Touch utilizes DropboxTM and e-mail connectivity to allow designs that begin on the tablet to be shared with other Multisim Touch users or exported to the desktop edition of Multisim for advanced design and verification capabilities only available on the PC. Essentially, Multisim Touch is a portable extension of the advanced power of Multisim on the desktop.


Download the app and learn more at:


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0 Kudos
Message 1 of 46
The app needs a graph export and more interactive components, like a speaker and a buzzer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 46

Hi Samiashi,

Thanks for the feedback. For graph export you can take screenshots from your iPad or you can export the measurements to a CSV that you can email. It's in the left hand side menu of all graphs.


I took some screenshots that show the export feature:


photo 1.PNG



photo 2.PNG



photo 3.PNG

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 46

Thanks for the reply. I am aware about the current export feature in the plot, but what i meant was to improve it by adding more export features for example to export only the graph into MS Office or any other word edditing apps other than using a screenshot.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 46
There are quite few components in the program. How can I get more?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 46

Multisim Touch components are limited to the ones shipped with the App. You can create custom components only in the desktop edition which is capable of opening your iPad files as well.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 46


I just got Multisim Touch from the app store last night.  I am having a problem getting an NMOS inverter to work.  It is a simple circuit, just an NMOS with a 1K load resistor at the drain  and connected to a 12VDC supply; I hav another supply at the gate which I set to either 0V or 5V.  Unfortunately I can never get the NMOS to turn on even with Vgs of 5V.  Can you please help.  Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 46


Actually I can't see ever wanting to use something like this for real work. 


I think NI and it's customers would be better served by improving the performance of MS and UB.  They really can't be taken seriously for large projects and I have much customer pressure to jump ship to another tool set.  They at least need to be upgraded to 64bit apps, and the performance of UB on large projects is just impossible to work with.



David B

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 46
Hi! I'm trying to model the DN2540 depletion mode mosfet using its spice model but I have some problems finding its correct parameters. The spice model is:

.MODEL DN2540 NMOS (LEVEL=3 RS=1.05 NSUB=5.0E14
+DELTA=0.1 KAPPA=0.20 TPG=1 CGDO=3.1716E-10
+RD=11 VTO=-1.50 VMAX=1.0E7 ETA=0.0223089
+NFS=6.6E10 TOX=725E-10 LD=1.698E-9 UO=862.425
+XJ=6.4666E-7 THETA=1.0E-5 CGSO=2.50E-9 L=4.0E-6
Any help wellcome. Thanks!
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 46



Is there or will there be a version of MultiSim that works on the Android OS?

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 46