06-15-2017 11:56 PM
This seems like it should be a fairly easy task, but after messing with it intermittently for several years, I've never been able to get the model to work in Multisim. The pspice doc (.pdf) is attached, but here is just the code:
* Calculate reduction in mu when Vg < -3V
Emu mu 0 VALUE={LIMIT{V(G,K),-3,999}+LIMIT{V(G,K)+3,-999,0}*0.714}
* Calculate contribution to cathode current
Eat at 0 VALUE={0.636*ATAN(V(A,K)/15)}
Egs gs 0 VALUE={LIMIT{V(S,K)/27.5+V(mu)*1.32+1,0,1E6}}
Egs2 gs2 0 VALUE={PWRS(V(gs),1.5)}
Ecath cc 0 VALUE={V(gs2)*V(at)}
* Calculate anode current
Ga A K VALUE={5.83E-4*V(cc)}
* Calculate screen current
Escrn sc 0 VALUE={V(gs2)*(1.1-V(at))}
Gs S K VALUE={0.5E-3*V(sc)}
* Capacitances
Cg1 G K 3.8p
Cak A K 5.3p
Cg1a G A 0.05p
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
06-19-2017 10:31 AM
Are you using the code as is? Remember that not every Pspice model is supported on Multisim, so it might be needing some modification or conversion. Please refer to the following document:
SPICE Simulation Models: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/5377/en/
06-19-2017 11:04 AM
Thanks -- I am not using it at all, actually. I tried translating it by examining other MultiSim pentode models, but was never able to get it to work. I used to be a wiz at this stuff (I was at Digital Equipment Corporation's Advance Semiconductor Development Lab when they were beta-testing/adopting MultiSim on VZX/VMS, but that was long ago, and I'm not quite as swift on the uptake as I was 40 years ago ... 8^o