12-22-2023 06:03 AM
Всем здоровья! Материал заимствован из обсуждения на форуме: https://kazus.ru/forums/showpost.php?p=1402291&postcount=2134
Такие, нагло врущие модели, я бы постеснялся запихнуть в программу, за которую ещё и деньги дерут!
12-22-2023 07:07 PM
I don't speak whatever language that is (excuse my ignorance), but you might try connecting the ground on channel B.
12-23-2023 06:51 AM - edited 12-23-2023 06:56 AM
Hi, Taggart! Thanks for responding to the message! This will not give any result. It is enough to ground one of the oscilloscope pins, the others will also be grounded...
12-23-2023 11:12 AM
So you are linking to an ancient (2+ year old!) thread in a foreign language. It is not obvious what your seemingly derogatory English subject has to do with your foreign language post or the linked discussion.
If you think you found a bug, did you report it? What is the purpose of your post?
12-24-2023 01:33 AM - edited 12-24-2023 01:42 AM
12-24-2023 02:26 PM
Of course I immediately translated your message using the browser (everybody know how to do that!), but it was still not clear what you are trying to say or why we would need to look at an ancient post elsewhere.
Again, since you think there might be a bug, did you report it to NI?
( There is no link to any "блоге" page on sasworkshops.com )
12-28-2023 09:21 AM
Dear altenbach!
I have nothing for you personally! It’s just that the guys from NI haven’t fixed anything since version 11, and in 14.3 there are the same bugs that I wrote about repeatedly on behalf of tipa386, who was banned without explaining the reasons, as your brother likes to do. If you punish for personal views and religion, nationality, what does it say to you in terms of correcting mistakes!?
I really loved this program, and it pains me that you treat your brainchild so carelessly and irresponsibly. Why should I poke shameful mistakes in your face, and not you yourself collect them from everywhere, and react to mistakes and correct them immediately!?
12-28-2023 11:33 AM
01-03-2024 05:02 PM
I like this program too. Greetings from Russia!
05-16-2024 06:20 PM
Можешь дать свой Тг в лс. Хотел бы посоветоваться с тобой