04-19-2016 10:16 PM
I am trying to simulate my circuit. I had Multisim 12.0 and the circuit worked fine, but then it had convergence issues as soon as I tried to run it on Multisim 14.0.
What can I do??!! Please help me figure out what I can change in the settings or in my ciruit!
04-20-2016 06:35 PM
Hi lancew987,
Are you seeing the error message that says that a simulation error has occurred and if you want to run the convergence assistant ?You can check out in the following link that describes some of the steps to follow in order to solve simulation issues on Multisim.
Hope you can find this helpful!
04-25-2016 09:22 AM
Change your convergence tolerances (Simulate->Analysis and Simulation->Analysis options tab->Customize...) to those recommended in the attached screen shot.
When running into convergence problems, VNTOL and ABSTOL are the most effective options.