Multisim and Ultiboard

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VIs not loading

I am running 14.0 Power Pro Edition (In evaluation mode).


I am attempting to add a downloaded VI (Waveform Recorder) to multisim so that I can log data from a long running simulation.  I have followed the instructions and unzipped the component files to the location specified in global options (C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Circuit Design Suite 14.0\LVInstruments\).  After restarting multisim, the component does NOT show up in Simulate->Instruments->LabView Instruments (or anywhere else that I've looked).   I've also tried adding the component to the multisim install folder \lvinstruments (also doesn't work).  I've also downloaded the tutorial for making custom VIs for multisim and that VI also does not appear in the menu after placing it in the \lvinstruments folder.


Am I doing something wrong in loading these, or is there some license restriction in the tiral edition of multisim?

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Message 1 of 8

Hello masconejos


I found one document that will be useful for you please review that, see below. 


I hope will be useful for you



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Message 2 of 8

Hi David,


I tried your link but its suggestion didn't work.  Looking at my system, I lab LabView 2015 installed and Multisim 14.0.  Multisim doesn't appear to have dlls for labview 15 support, which is maybe why the tutorial VI didn't work.  HOwever, I have dlls for labview 12, which is what the waveform recorder was built against, so I'm not sure what's up.


Thank you for your help though.

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Message 3 of 8

Hello masconsejos


I am wondering if you tried to use another LabVIEW version just to see what happens.



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Message 4 of 8

I found that article the other day and tried it's suggestions but had no luck.  As a final attempt, I know for sure I have a labview dll for 12.0 exactly, so I downloaded the waveform recorder files for 11.0 and 12.0 and tried it, but it still isn't being detected.


Thanks again though. 

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Message 5 of 8

Hello masconejos


Do you have any other Multsim version just to try?



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Message 6 of 8

No, I'm running the trial version of both multisim and labview

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Message 7 of 8

Hello masconejos


I would like to you try with the same Multisim and LabVIEW version. Actually you just need to download in our site and use that as a trial. I recommend to you the 2014 or 14 that is the same.



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Message 8 of 8