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Where is Loudspeaker (Speaker) 8Ohm

Hello, I've tried searching the forum and google, and the program components, but either didn't find anything or didn't understand.


I'm looking for a LoudSpeaker 8Ohm with 2 leads, such that when the circuit oscillates, the speaker produces sound, that means a positive + and a negative - leads need to be present. I'm building this circuit and can't find the speaker


I've found the speaker in component but it only has 1 lead in, and I don't know how to hook it up.


What I want to do is build the circuit, simulate it and play it through the speaker so I can hear the siren.


Any suggestions?

Message Edited by kandrey89 on 10-23-2008 02:21 PM
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9



Here are your options:


1.  Select Simulate>>Instruments>>LabVIEW Instruments>>Speaker, this is a LabVIEW and it will play sound through your computer speaker but it's not an 8 ohm speaker.

2.  Use an 8 ohm resistor  to simulate your circuit but it won't play any sound.


Tien P.

National Instruments
Message 2 of 9

Hi Tien. I know that MS has the Labview Speaker, but it is not necessarily compatible with all hardware (like mine for instance). There are two things I would like to see.


1). A generic speaker component that more exactly represent the true loading of a speaker that also plays through the speaker and is compatible with a wide range of hardware.. Sometimes it is necessary to simulate not only the resisttive properties of a speaker but also the inductive and capacitive effects on the circuit. Especially where audio amps are concerned.


2) If the playing through the sound hardware isn't a possiblility, then some generic models with symbols would be O.K. or a revamping of the Labview speaker to make it compatible across the board.


This is just a feature request, I guess



Kittmaster's Component Database

Have a Nice Day
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Message 3 of 9

Hi Mr Tien. Is it okay if I use sonalert as the 8 ohm speaker? Is it equivalent? Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

The Sonalert is typically a piezoelectric transducer operated near its resonant frequency, typically ~3 kHz. It requires a drive circuit (which may be included in some models). The bare transducer is essentially a ceramic capacitor of 10-20 nF. It is ceratinly not the equivalent of a speaker.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Hi Lynn.. thank you for your reply. Can you suggest any component to replace the 8ohm speaker in the multisim? Thank you very much.

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Message 6 of 9

I do not have Multisim, so I cannot answer your question directly. The replies by lacy and Tien_P to the original post have some suggestions. The choice depedns in part on what characteristics of the speaker you want to simulate.



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Message 7 of 9


is there anyone have idea about where to find water tank. i search in google i couldnt find answer please help

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hi abbas_8965,


I am not aware of Multisim having such built in instrument like a water tank. One of the options that you have, in case you want to have the simulation of the water tank but also the visualisation  is to create the schematic to behave as the water conditions in the tank (you can read a bit about it in this thread) and then make a co-simulation using the LabVIEW indicators.


Hope you can find this information helpful!


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Message 9 of 9