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error triac 3 phase


I have problem in Triac & SCR simulation.

I want to control voltage to capasitor

I had configure interactive simulation setting to default,

but, error still occurs


please tell me how to fix it

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Message 1 of 5

I can't tell what exactly is the causing the issue here, but adjusting the tolerances of the design, as suggested in the following document worked for me, and I was able to run your design after doing that.

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Message 2 of 5

I don't know

its still error to me

I already set up the configuration, but problem appear when I switch on the load and capacitor,

that happen again

the error messege that I got :


------ Checking SPICE netlist for sensor_arus_tegangan_modif4 - Tuesday, January 05, 2016, 8:40:31 AM ------
======= SPICE Netlist check completed, 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) =======
Error Message From Simulation: doAnalyses: Timestep too small
Error Message From Simulation: tran simulation(s) canceled


why this happen?

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Message 3 of 5

It seems like the values of the capacitors on the right side were resulting on error in the calculations of the simulation, this seems to happen for values underneath 100uF, after changing those values I was no longer getting any convergence errors.

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Message 4 of 5

ok, thanks.

But, actually the goal of this simulation is to keep the power factor of the circuit near around 0.9 with load variation (just 1 choice. ex : switch on R2L3, another load off). 

The load is sample that I have. So I already do calculation to manage the VAR of capacitor to balance with VAR of Inductor.

So in this case, I should control the value of voltage between 0-380 V to 2u capacitor (delta connected). Unfortunatelly, The voltage trough TRIAC just about 0 to 5 V.

Is there a way to fix it without changing the load?

Or theres a better way?


Thanks for ideas

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Message 5 of 5