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tektronixTDS 2024 oscilloscope reference probe

The real life Tektronix 2024 o-scope comes equipted with a probe that has a reference lead. This way you can observe voltage waveforms across components and not just WRT ground. Multisim's generic o-scope supports this by having a + and - terminal for each channel. I can't see how to do the same thing with the Tektronix. Am I missing something.


I would use the generic o-scope., but I want to observe more than two waveforms simultaneously, all with different references. 

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Hello msheakc,


I hope everything is fine. Actually if you need to have different references you can use two or more OSC with two channels or the other option is use an entering expressions in analyses. I attached two documents that explain how use the transient option and the entering expression.


I hope this information will be useful for you



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