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Updated the Firmware on your ELVIS III and now it is dead

We had a mix of firmwares in our lab that was giving slightly different experiences for users, so i decided to update one of them.  We had firmwares 6.0.0 and 7.0.0 on our ELVIS III's.  The latest available was 8.8.0.  I updated one board, which in turn blanked the internal flash.  No problem, I thought, I'll just re-install the ELVIS OS and software onto the device.  Nope.  I simply cannot find a workflow that allow me to turn my ELVIS III back into a Measurements Live device.  All software that MIGHT help me do this seems to be locked behind a wall of needing a current support contract.  I find it odd that you can download the 'latest' software but need a support contract to download old software.  It is usually the other way around; the support contract gets you the latest, not access to the older stuff.


So, I have one $3500 doorstop on my desk that I have been able to recover at all and 10 more ELVIS III's that won't be getting a firmware update any time soon.


Anyone have any suggestions on how to get my ELVIS III back to life?

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Message 1 of 5

Any luck on this? I'm having a similar issue with not being able to use Measurements Live after update to 8.8.0f. And we have current support... I'll let you know if they're helpful.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hello ProfKenobi,

Just seen your post and looked at my efforts

Under this thread


I added

"However the Default install does not include the Elvis III toolkit support, so Measurement Live won't work. If you go into options for other items to install you'll find “Labview Elvis III Toolkit”. Installing this then allows Measurement Live to work. I've check Labview 2022-SP1 (32 bit) to drive a Quanser board and that seems to work fine."


Have you installed the “Labview Elvis III Toolkit”?


Best wishes,



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Message 3 of 5

Alright, I got it working. I'll try to outline as much as I can here, but there may be unnecessary steps or parts that don't need to be installed, but this has worked across 12 systems.


1. Download and install Labview 2021 SP1 ELVIS III Bundle (not Toolkit)

2. Using NI MAX, format the ELVIS unit (you may need to boot in to safe mode by holding down the reset button for ~30s)

3. Using NI MAX, update firmware to (or similar, i forget the particular string, but it is the 8.*.*.* version)

4. Using NI MAX, right click ELVIS III > Software > select "Add/Remove Software"

4a You may get an error here about unavailable feeds, if so, select Advanced from ELVIS III > Software. In the list of feeds that show up, edit each of the enabled feeds and add the "trust" checkbox. Then retry "Add/Remove Software"

4b In top left, Realtime Version should be 2022 Q3, select ELVIS III Toolkit, and whatever other software you need *embedded on ELVIS*.

4c At some point in this process you'll be prompted to choose a softare version, choose LabVIEW 2021, NOT 2022 or later.

5. Download and Install the MeasurementsLive support files, if they're not already there.


This process works to allow access to MeasurementsLive via Chrome ONLY. Not Firefox. It ALSO allows VI development and deployment to the ELVIS III system. This has only been tested via USB connection, not networked.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

This worked flawlessly! Thanks!

Tommy R.
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Message 5 of 5