03-17-2016 11:26 AM
While running NI ELVISmx Oscilloscope express VI for ELVIS II+ I'm getting error error -200437.
The error states: External calibration constants are invalid. Perform an external calibration. Contact National Instruments Technical Support if you need additional information.
The same VI runs without any issues, when running from its default front panel.
Does anybody have any ideas why the VI gives such error?
CTO | RAFA Solutions
03-18-2016 09:51 AM
Hello, this is an active error that NI is working to resolve. There is currently a corrective action request to fix the issue.
03-18-2016 10:01 AM
Hello Joe,
Thank you for your response. Is there any workaround for this issue? How can I use the scope in my VI?
CTO | RAFA Solutions
03-18-2016 12:21 PM
At this time there is no workaround, but it looks like the error is consistent with Windows 7 64 bit. Is this the OS you are using? If so, it might be worth trying to run the VI on a computer with a different OS.
03-18-2016 12:22 PM
Hi Arev,
Is your Windows OS set for a locale that would use commas in numeric values where an English OS would use periods? Also, which version of DAQmx do you have installed? The latest version of ELVISmx installs DAQmx 15.0, but there was a fix for a similar error in DAQmx 15.1 (Corrective Action Request #470622). If you fall into the category of using commas in numerics and you have DAQmx 15.0, this should be resolved by installing DAQmx 15.1 or later.
03-18-2016 12:30 PM
Thanks Joe and Donovan,
You both are correct. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit OS and the locale is such that it uses commas in numeric values.
Also I have tried with DAQmx versions 14.0 and 15.0. I'll change the locale to have points instead of commas, and also will download 15.1 version of DAQmx, and let you know the results.
Thank you very much for your help.
CTO | RAFA Solutions
03-19-2016 11:15 AM
Hello Donovan,
I've tried to change the locale, and really the issue was connected with it. I've installed also DAQmx 15.1.1 drivers, but it didn't help with the locale problem.
CTO | RAFA Solutions
03-21-2016 08:42 AM
Hi Arev,
Is there any way you could change your operating system from Windows 7 64 bit to any other operating system? This seems to be the only workaround at the moment.
03-21-2016 08:52 AM
No, unfortunately I can't shift to other OS.
Do you know when the bug is going to be fixed? Meanwhile I'll use it with the English locale.
CTO | RAFA Solutions
03-21-2016 10:44 AM
Hi Arev,
Unfortunately, this information and prioritization is internal to our R&D department. The CAR # associated with this incident is 578704. Please feel free to check the release notes of future software and patch upgrades for this CAR number to determine if the issue has been fixed.