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LabVIEW Bluetooth Low Energy Support Discussion


You might check the BLE sensor documentation to see which characteristic handles need to be written.  Sometimes devices are quite picky about the order of writes, and values that you must write and only accept a specific sequence.  In one case, a device had to be physically rebooted if I ever wrote a value it wasn't expecting, or in the wrong order.  Also, BLE devices usually expect little endian byte order.

In general, if you can talk to a sensor with your phone using BLExplr or nRF Connect, you should be able to connect programmatically with LabVIEW.

If things are still going wrong and you want a sanity check, I'd recommend testing with a TI CC2650 SensorTag.


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 39


It sounds like LabVIEW is able to connect to the server, and that the server is running, but the server isn't able to connect to the BLE SensorTag.

1) Is the BLE server running with Administrator privileges?

2) Is the other Windows 10 app running in the background?

3) Is the SensorTag "connected" or just "paired"?  The SensorTag goes to sleep pretty quickly and disconnects.  You may need to press one of its buttons to wake it up.

4) Does the rest of the BLE driver for SensorTag work if you set the BT Address to match your sensor?


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 39


Thank you for your reply.

1) Yes it is

2) No, it's not

3)  The SensorTag is just "paired", even when the SensorTag is on (the green led is blinking). Windows 10 Bluetooth settings show "connected" only when I access the SensorTag data with the third party app I mentioned.

4) If I run "Initialize", I get an error (I tried to write the MAC address both with and without colons):

The server console says:

PutConnectToNode(1, 1000, 1, 1) called for: b0:b4:48:[...]

Parse succeeded for 10752

Failed to connect to node b0:b4:48:[...]

The response headers are:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Content-Length: 0

Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0

Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2016 21:46:42 GMT

Do I need to explicitely give any permissions to the BLE server in some Windows settings?

Thank you

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 39

Hmm.  I haven't seen this in my testing so far.  Which Windows 10 app are you running?


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 39

This is the Windows 10 app that works with my SensorTag


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 39

I see from the NI Labs page that it is intended to work with cRIO as well. Is this implemented in some form yet, and if so, how would I install it? Add/Remove solftware in MAX?

Also, since this is on the cRIO, then is it safe to say that a client talking to the cRIO doesn't need to be running Windows 10?

Ryan R.
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 39
Also, since this is on the cRIO, then is it safe to say that a client talking to the cRIO doesn't need to be running Windows 10?

I'm interested in this question as well.


Also, does the cRIO already have the bluetooth low energy capabillity built in, or does extra hardware need to be added?

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 39


I think you'd know if your cRIO had Bluetooth low energy technology in it. At the very least, you'd have a Bluetooth logo on the cRIO itself (as far as I know, NI hasn't made a cRIO controller with Bluetooth built in). Adding it should ideally just require plugging in a dongle like the Bluegiga BLED112 and setting it up and programming for it.

Ryan R.
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 39

Hello all,


I was trying to use this tool to communicate with the Adafruit's BLE (Adafruit Feather M0). It has an nRF51822 chipset from Nordic. Adafruit feather try to send the data in the advertising packet of BLE. This is what i have understood and I am sure the data is being sent properly as I can see the data in the Mobile App.  

I installed the Labview BLE drivers on my Windows 10 machine  which has BLE support to receive the data in LAPTOP. This is what I have done till date.


1. Paired the device with the Laptop ( Successfull)

2. Started the NI Bluetooth LE Driver ( Successfull)

3. Opened the Browser and typed:


I got this:


4. In the Browser I typed :


I got this:

{"self":"http://localhost:5000/gap/nodes/cd:48:17:7a:ea:5b","name":"Adafruit Bluefruit LE"}


But I am not able to get the advertising data. I am able to receive everything except the data.

Can someone help me on how to get the advertising data ?

I monitored the value of all the services and all characteristics on each of the services. I didnt find my data in any of these packets. Now, I want to see if its in the advertising packet.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 39

Hello all, 


I have nrf52 dev kit from which I am sending heart rate signal. I can access it on my phone using nrfConnet app. I was trying to access this data using LabVIEW on my computer. What I managed to do was pairing and then connecting with my nrf52. I was able to access raw data using read BLE channel function but it is completely useless. Is there a way to obtain data from generic attributes like heart rate sensor using this toolkit? I also was experimenting with streaming functions but failed miserably - I do not really understand how they work and why are they there, can somebody explain shortly how to use them?

I am beginner when it comes to BLE 🙂 


Thank you for your help !

Message 20 of 39