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LabVIEW Bluetooth Low Energy Support Discussion

Hello Everyone,

I am new here, i need to scan the advertising headers(PDUs) broadcasted by BLE v4.2 module through a USB Bluetooth dongle v4.2(BLE) in LabVIEW without connecting to the DUT(bluetooth modules).

Is it possible ?

Any help would be highly appreciated 🙂

Message 31 of 39

"At present, this toolkit is experimental, unsupported, and not recommended for production applications, and has no warranty."


Are there any plans to change that in the near future?



0 Kudos
Message 32 of 39


how did you manage to connect the nrf52 to labview?

I´m having issues in making it working (labview can´t detect the nrf52 EVK)


can you please help?



@bartlomiej2 wrote:

Hello all, 


I have nrf52 dev kit from which I am sending heart rate signal. I can access it on my phone using nrfConnet app. I was trying to access this data using LabVIEW on my computer. What I managed to do was pairing and then connecting with my nrf52. I was able to access raw data using read BLE channel function but it is completely useless. Is there a way to obtain data from generic attributes like heart rate sensor using this toolkit? I also was experimenting with streaming functions but failed miserably - I do not really understand how they work and why are they there, can somebody explain shortly how to use them?

I am beginner when it comes to BLE 🙂 


Thank you for your help !

@bartlomiej2 wrote:

Hello all, 


I have nrf52 dev kit from which I am sending heart rate signal. I can access it on my phone using nrfConnet app. I was trying to access this data using LabVIEW on my computer. What I managed to do was pairing and then connecting with my nrf52. I was able to access raw data using read BLE channel function but it is completely useless. Is there a way to obtain data from generic attributes like heart rate sensor using this toolkit? I also was experimenting with streaming functions but failed miserably - I do not really understand how they work and why are they there, can somebody explain shortly how to use them?

I am beginner when it comes to BLE 🙂 


Thank you for your help !



0 Kudos
Message 33 of 39

Has anyone succeeded in streaming data from ble device? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have tried with a custom ble device and also with an Amazfit Bip Watch streaming heart rate data.

With the watch: The heart rate data needs to have notifications enabled, and then it starts streaming the heart rate as a string (can be seen in ble scanner app).

In LabVIEW, start streaming returns OK without errors, stream read returns error 56, and server shows message "Event callback called without data".


In the custom device, indications need to be enabled (not notifications). once the indications are enabled it starts streaming sensor data (can be seen in ble scanner app). In LabVIEW, start streaming returns OK without errors, stream read returns error 56. Server shows no message at all.


Does the server support indications or only notifications? 

Is NI planning official support of BLE in the near future?

Has anyone succeeded in streaming data? If so how?


Thanks in advance,




"Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.”
― Terry Pratchett
0 Kudos
Message 34 of 39

I and others have experienced frustration with "streaming". Notifications are seemingly implemented with "Streaming BLE Start" but it looks like a superficial implementation where it doesn't actually return the notification. Instead, it seems as if the notification just triggers a read in the server and the server streams the read value 😩


I don't get timeouts (error 56) if I get notifications often enough.


Also the VI documentation often claims it wants a UUID when it really wants a handle. I suspect the server changed behavior at some point.

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 39

Thanks for replying 🙂


How often is "often enough" for notifications? Our custom device works at 5-20HZ in indication mode. The watch updates heart rate once a second. I did try to play with the timeout value, it seemed to make no difference. In any case, the characteristic doesn't have read enabled, only indicate/notify, so I am not sure it would make a difference...


Let's hope NI give official support soon.


"Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.”
― Terry Pratchett
0 Kudos
Message 36 of 39

When I said "often enough" I was referring to the timeout you set for the notification read. There's example code in the user lib for a few instruments that use notifications. But, you are correct that you might be totally hosed if you only get notifications and the device doesn't update the "read" characteristic. You might try and set a really long timeout and poke down into the notify code to see if anything at all is coming back from the HTTP stream.

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Message 37 of 39

Hey Danielle! Did you found out how to solve this error?

0 Kudos
Message 38 of 39

Is this thread still monitored?

I have what seems to be a fairly simple requirement of scanning for BT devices from a cRIO-9045 running 2020.

The device I'm using is just a commercial ASUS device. 

The device is recognized by the RTOS and the driver is loading as verified by running the dmesg and lsmod commands.



I installed the package but I can't get anything working. 
The device does not show up in MAX or the VISA  Resource Name control. 

Any suggestions?

Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.
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Message 39 of 39