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LabVIEW FPGA Advanced Session Resources Feedback

Still have issue with 'Open by Name' (just a simple I16) hanging LV when accessing a remote device. Hangs in windows when connecting to  9063. Hangs 9063 when connecting to a 9147. Hangs 9063 when using 'rio://' instead of just 'RIO0'. Running LV 2017 SP1 f1. NI-RIO 17.6


Any suggestions on solutions? Has anyone gotten it to work across devices?



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Message 51 of 66

I'm trying to get the Engine Simulation Toolkit Custom Device built and working for VS 2018 (using LV 2018), but I can't find a version of the FPGA Advanced Session Resources newer than 2017. I think I had installed the 2016 version (on Win10, btw), but I'm not 100% sure. I can't even verify whether or not I have, because NI Package Manager is a colossal pile of junk and refuses to get past 'Loading Installed Packages...'


I don't have any need to modify anything in the Engine Simulation Toolkit CD, but the build keeps failing for one broken VI or another, so I'm trying to get all the related components installed as if I was going to modify it.


If anyone can point me to a build of the EST CD for 2018, that should solve all my problems. If not, I'll be happy with finding a 2018 version of the Advanced Session Resources.

0 Kudos
Message 52 of 66

Not sure if there's a 2018 version posted anywhere, but the easiest method is probably for you to install an earlier (2017) version of this toolkit then manually move it to the same addons folder path for LV 2018. It should compile it up and work; or at least I did that for 2017 before the 2017 version was posted and it worked. Worth a shot.



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Message 53 of 66

I am very keen to get an installer for this on LV2018. I used it in an older project but have a more recent version my current development machine.


Alternatively I would welcome advice on how to get this working on LV2018. I heard I might just be able to copy the files over?

CLA - Kudos is how we show our appreciation for comments that helped us!
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Message 54 of 66



I am also looking to find the 2018 installer for this toolkit - can anyone confirm that copying the add on over to the same directory but for LabVIEW 2018 works?






Edit: I've been able to get the 2018 version by copying the whole folder in <LabVIEW 2017>/vi.lib/NI/LVFPGA Adv Session Resources onto the Desktop, opening it with LabVIEW 2018 and "Save All As" to another folder, then copying this into the LabVIEW 2018 folder as above. However, it doesn't actually appear in the palettes - anyone have any idea how to get it into the palettes?

0 Kudos
Message 55 of 66

There should be a .mnu file in <vi.lib>/addons. Copy that to the same location in your 2018 directory and refresh the palettes or restart LabVIEW.

Message 56 of 66



Also looking for the 2018 installer.

When you do not have LV2017 installed on the computer it seems that the installer do not want to install anything.

So I've got nothing to copy from 1 folder to another.


Can anyone publish an installer or VIP for 2018 ?

CLA, CTA, LV Champion
View Cyril Gambini's profile on LinkedIn
This post is made under CC BY 4.0 DEED licensing
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Message 57 of 66

Hi CyGa,


I've attached the files for you which I've used to copy into the relevant directories, hope that helps! (.mnu file also in the zip).





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Message 58 of 66

Thanks Hans !

I'll test that right now !

CLA, CTA, LV Champion
View Cyril Gambini's profile on LinkedIn
This post is made under CC BY 4.0 DEED licensing
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Message 59 of 66


Does anybody have tested it with LV2018 and a 904x target ?

I've modified a fully functionnal code used with VeriStand to use the Advanced Sessions. And it seems that it crashes my LV RT.


My configuration :

* LV2018

* VS2018

* 9040 + 4x9229


When entering the VI which opens the bitfile (dynamically by path), I longer receive the syslog data I used to send. The FPGA seems to run (I've got my FPGA User LED which blinks), but nothing comes out of the cRIO.

Any idea ?

CLA, CTA, LV Champion
View Cyril Gambini's profile on LinkedIn
This post is made under CC BY 4.0 DEED licensing
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Message 60 of 66