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NI LabVIEW OPC UA APIs Discussion

The client I was using was from link here:

Specifically the  Prosys OPC UA Java SDK implementation.  There is a quick registration and takes a day or two for acess.  It comes with a good client example.

I will try the Inductive Automation example again today.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 150

After retesting, I was able to successfully use the inductive automation server and client to browse the NI opc ua server address.  Thanks for verifying and sorry for the erroneous problem report.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 150

Hi Mark,

I can use the Server and Client example on the same Windows machine, it works fine. I'm using LV-2011.

Then, I would like to run the Server on a cRIO-9025 controller and keep the client on the Windows machine.

I installed the support for Server API on the cRIO, I can successfully deploy the code on the cRIO and launch it but when "" (server) function is called, error -356519 (LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFA8F59) Fail to add one or more certificate files.) is returned. I certainly missed something in terms of what I should have installed for certificates.



NB: to confirm, I a join a screenshot of my MAX screen for cRIO.

cRIO Config.png

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 150

You need to install both server and client, even if you just use one of them.

It's a bug.

Ryan Shi
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 150
Thanks a lot. I installed both Server and Client API on the cRIO. When I try to open the Client Example VI on the cRIO, I get an error 23 because of the I unstalled OPCUA and reinstalled it but I still get the error. If I create a new blank VI and I try to add to it, I get same error.
What do you suggest?
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 150


I follow this thread silently. But we, the department of research technology at a German research institute, are interested in an open communication between different control systems. It's important that the OPC communication takes place in a real open environment in future. And that the server will not be a central Windows PC. I hope that the normal user will get a framwork from NI in order to can communicate via OPC UA in future.

Best Regards and best success,


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 150

I'm sorry that the client example cannot work on RT. It's for Windows only. The example uses some functionality such as pushbutton's mechanical action and front panel event which are not supported on RT. So you need to avoid these functions when you create your UA RT application.

But I think you cannot even deploy the client example to RT. Can you give a screenshot of the error? Is it a pop-up dialog box or an error out from

A simple client example that runs on RT is like below

connect -> disconnect

Ryan Shi
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 150

Ryan.S wrote:

Thank you for the feedback. Both the variant read/write and data change event on server were in our proposal list. We were not sure if user really needed it. And the data change event on server may have performance issue. So we didn't develop them in this download.

We will think about these features.

I'd like to add my support for server-side data change events. That would be valuable for our projects.

Mark Zvilius

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 150

I look at the latest additions on this forum, and we have tested your program and its limitations.

We also believe that the standard OPC UA will have a very important place in the future to interface various materials.

As part of an important project of telescopes array, we look at this OPCUA, to interface and control the hardware (server OPCUA).

We will be happy  when the OPCUA server will be embedded in a compactRio.

Under these conditions, we could  consider the NI products as a good solution to interface the hardware.

So congratulations for the initiative and good development around OPCUA.


jean luc

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 150

Jean Luc,

You should be happy now.  OPC UA server will work in a RT Target now.  I've already tested a OPC UA server in my Real-Time ETS PC.  There should be no reason it would not work in a cRIO.  Now if NI would only update the UA server to support events, then I would actually start using it more.


jlp2 wrote:

We will be happy  when the OPCUA server will be embedded in a compactRio.

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 150