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Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

jlsmith1000 wrote:

Hi Eric,

Is there any means by which the EtherNet/IP driver can be used with 2010 on x64 Windows 7?  Thanks  

Windows 7 x64 and LV 2010 is of course a supported platform. However, currently we don't have a 64-bit binary available so you need to use 32-bit LabVIEW. I assume you are trying to use it within 64-bit LabVIEW?


0 Kudos
Message 41 of 125

Yes, I did neglect to mention that.  I have a Pro. Developers License for 2010 x64 version of LabVIEW, will that allow me to load/use the 32 bit version?  And, I note you said currently, is that binary in the works and might you be able to offer a projected date?  Ideally I want this system to use Win7 x64 and LabVIEW 2010 x64, but can do the development in x32 LabVIEW 2010 if the x64 flavor of the toolkit is on the horizon?

Thanks for your quick reply!

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Message 42 of 125

robertschaefer wrote:

I tried using labview again with helpful hints from this group - I downloaded the Logix5000 data access manual from the AB website.

Error code 0x04 in the manual, and returned from the code indicates a "syntax error".

I think this means I am still not getting the tag name correct.

Here's what I tried - "Command_REAL" is a float array, and _1912_Haystack.ACD is the name of the AB program.
I tried "Command_REAL",





And all returned error 0x04

Also, I just learned this, the program name is Hay"S"tack, not Hay"s"tack, note the capital S in HayStack.

How sensitive is the controller to capitalization of variable names?


bob s.

Hi Bob,

Looking at what you have there, from an RSLogix perspective, it appers that you're using the name of the RSLogix 5000 project as your "Program:" name when trying to access the tags.  With regard to RSLogix, the actual ACD project file name will have no bearing on accessing the tags in an online PLC.  If, within your RSLogix project, a Program is created within a Task, that is the name of the Program you would want to use.

If there are no programs in the main continuous task, for example, then the tags are likely controller scope and don't requite the Program: prefix.  A tag, with the atomic data type real as an array, will be zero based, and must have the appropriate index referenced within brackets such as "Command_REAL where x is the index.

If you send the .ACD file that you're using, I'd be happy to reply with correct tag name format, controller, program or otherwise.  I don't know much about LabVIEW as yet, but RSLogix 5000 I'm somewhat familar with.



0 Kudos
Message 43 of 125


I created a test program and an installer.

When I run the prog on a new computer, I got an message that ethernetIPInterface.dll is missing.

I located that dll on my computer and copied it over to the other computer and now I get ETSAPI.dll is missing. I can't find that file.

In the installer Additional Installers section I can't see an option to include ethernetip.

What do I need to do?



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Message 44 of 125

pjackson59 wrote:


I created a test program and an installer.

When I run the prog on a new computer, I got an message that ethernetIPInterface.dll is missing.

I located that dll on my computer and copied it over to the other computer and now I get ETSAPI.dll is missing. I can't find that file.

In the installer Additional Installers section I can't see an option to include ethernetip.

What do I need to do?



Paul, because of its current state as an NI Labs project, there is no support for including it into a built installer yet. You would have to manually run the installer on the machine you want to use it on to ensure all the pieces are copied correctly.

You could try to cheat and just copy the DLL as you tried (you could put it next to the EXE you are running) but this is not guaranteed to work for all scenarios or in the future. It didn't work in your case because you copied the version out of the RT Images directory and so the binary is meant for systems running LabVIEW RT. The correct file usually is installed to your system32 directory.


0 Kudos
Message 45 of 125

Hi Eric,

Things seem to be progressing.

I ran into the same problem as several others in that I can't write to Local:7:O.Data.7 for instance, but read/modify/write a byte should be ok in this case.

I can write to Local:7:O.Data for instance and read back the value that I wrote, but my testers said that the LEDs on the module did not turn on.

I don't know enough about PLCs to know if that is a problem or not?



0 Kudos
Message 46 of 125

Hi Paul,

If you are writing to an output that is also being driven by ladder logic than it is quite possible that the value you write gets overridden. It may be sticking long enough to read it back immediately but not long enough to see the LED stay on.


0 Kudos
Message 47 of 125

I asked this a while back any info on this?

Re: Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

I  downloaded this EtherNet/IP Driver for Industrial Communication to   work with Allen Bradley PLC. It works great except one thing. I do not   see a way to address a long data type. Has anyone done this? I tried   many different things and had no luck. I added a comment on the bottem   of the download page as well.

0 Kudos
Message 48 of 125

aeastet wrote:

I asked this a while back any info on this?

Re: Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

I  downloaded this EtherNet/IP Driver for Industrial Communication to   work with Allen Bradley PLC. It works great except one thing. I do not   see a way to address a long data type. Has anyone done this? I tried   many different things and had no luck. I added a comment on the bottem   of the download page as well.

Hi Aeastet,

What communication mechanism are you using and with which type of PLC?


0 Kudos
Message 49 of 125

I am using a micrologix 1100 at the moment. I am using the ethernet connection and the EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support download. Everything works well except when I need to do 32bit stuff. I can not directly talk to the long data type on the Allen Bradley PLC. Is there a way to do this that I am not aware of?

I am using the either net port.

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Message 50 of 125