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Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

I think there is a packet data limit of 500 bytes.  (118 floats x 4 bytes/float = 472 bytes)  Not sure why only 119 doesnt work but 200 is over the 500 byte limit.

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Message 91 of 125


I am deeply sorry if this question has been previously asked, but I am having a problem connecting a Keyence Ethernet/IP Device to LabVIEW using the Industrial Communications for Ethernet/IP. I have been trying to find answers on other sites all morning and have had no luck. I am just looking to read a single measurement for a digital sensor. Any help would be appreciated!


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Message 92 of 125

I imagine you would have to use the SLC500 Read and Write vis, not the Tag ones.

You have to know the File and Element to read.


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Message 93 of 125

Given the little picture, I do not see how the program knows the IP Address of the Ethernet/IP connection. Also, from looking in the LabVIEW help menu, it appears that this specific VI is used for PLC, of which I am not using.

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Message 94 of 125

The network path is a string which connects just above the Element.

After a quick Google search, it appears that it uses Tags, not the SLC500 vis as I had stated.

I don't know what the Tag names would be, but this video might help.

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Message 95 of 125

Thank you for your reply. The video was very informative. However, I think I stumbled upon the real problem. It appears that my Ethernet/IP Communication Unit is not connecting to the network. After reading the manual, it appears that I need an Ethernet/IP Scanner and use the .EDS file to configure my device. Does anyone know of a way of just using a PC to configure the DL-EP1?

Many Thanks

Message 96 of 125

Hello! Is EIP driver checks TCP/UDP stack checksum? We have a trouble with data received in cRIO from Rockwell controller. We use i/o messaging with 256 bytes array from Rockwell to NI. Data of array what sent from Rockwell controller very different from scan to scan of controller. EIP driver in cRIO sometimes give bad data (one part of 256 array from one scan other part from other scan of Rockwell controller, and driver don't give any error codes). We are checked and tested code in Rockwell controller and it has not errors with filling 256 array. Filling array scan 200msec in Rockwell controller, CIP RPI/RTS scan of generic module (NI) in RSLogix - 50 msec, receiving scan in NI - 50msec (for optimize loading of cRIO).

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Message 97 of 125

If the PLC sends UDP packets with a checksum (it is optional) that is bad then they will be rejected by the TCP/IP stack before getting to the EIP code.

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Message 98 of 125

One thing also to note is that (depending on code, I think), data copies in RSLogix are very often not atomic.

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Message 99 of 125

I'm trying to do something a little different than what I have seen in previous posts.  I am successfully using a ControlLogix PLC with an implicit i/o connection to a NI9792 WSN Gateway.  The problem I'm running into is this I/O connection only communicates control and status of the program on the 9792, there is a bunch of data (500 bytes) that is collected every few hours that I would like to get from the 9792 with an explicit message using a couple of assemblies.  How do I need to set up the MSG instruction in Logix to get this data from the 9792?  The bottom while loop contains the instructions I'm trying to access via the explicit MSG, the top loop is the I/O connection which works fine.


Thanks in advance,


David Gaylord
Controls Engineer
Howmet Aerospace
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Message 100 of 125