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Welcome to NI Dynamic Signal Acquisition Soft Front Panel

20170517 update released to address cosmetic issues and add support for new measurement types such as charge and charge-mode accelerometers supported by PXIe 4480.


Enthusiast for LabVIEW, DAQmx, and Sound and Vibration
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Message 11 of 25

2018 update published!

Both applications were built for 64-bit which allows for larger data sizes. (now requires LabVIEW 64-bit run-time engine)

Launch the SFPs for your DSA hardware from MAX.


Some other cosmetic and usability issues addressed. If you observe issues or have requests, post here to let us know!



Enthusiast for LabVIEW, DAQmx, and Sound and Vibration
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Message 12 of 25

Note, the DSA and DSG Soft Front Panels are freely provided to let you use NI DSA hardware with no programming.


Recommended devices for dynamic signal generation:

PCI 4461

PXI 4461

PXIe 4463

USB 4431

NI 9260


Recommended devices for dynamic signal acquisition:

PCI 4461

PXI 4461

PXI 4462

PXI 4492

PXIe 4464

PXIe 4480

PXIe 4492

PXIe 4497

PXIe 4499

USB 4431

USB 4432

NI 9232

NI 9234

NI 9250

NI 9251

and more....



Enthusiast for LabVIEW, DAQmx, and Sound and Vibration
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Message 13 of 25

I'd like to use DSG and DSA at the same time. Seems like this should be doable but I get errors about shared resources. Isn't it possible to run a signal on the DSG and then collect data at the same time on the DSA?




0 Kudos
Message 14 of 25

This is absolutely supported. Sometimes, when using the SFPs on the same piece of hardware like a 4461 which supports AI and AO, the DAQmx driver coerces the specified sample rate such that I have to tweak my rate in whichever panel I run second. Post your exact error message, and maybe we can provide more directed guidance.


In fact, you can even run multiple DSA SFPs and multiple DSG SFPs simultaneously.

Enthusiast for LabVIEW, DAQmx, and Sound and Vibration
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 25

Also, just to verify, you are running the executables as opposed to the sample project VIs.?.

Enthusiast for LabVIEW, DAQmx, and Sound and Vibration
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 25

DSA and DSG simultaneous operation.png

Enthusiast for LabVIEW, DAQmx, and Sound and Vibration
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 25

can you generate frequency response plots aka transfer functions using NI DSA Soft Front Panels? Not just the FRF from an acceleromter but rather the TF for two accelerometers say from a shaker and and cantilever beam.



0 Kudos
Message 18 of 25

The executable does not, but one can modify the SVT sample project to do that. Also, there are examples in LV and in SVT that compute the transfer function (see also frequency response).

Enthusiast for LabVIEW, DAQmx, and Sound and Vibration
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 25

Thanks Doug

That is too bad. I like the idea of the soft front panels. My colleagues use much more sophisticated software (from competitors?) that is over kill from a classroom perspective. The DSA works nice but that one addition of generating a transfer function from shaker or impact hammer would make it perfect.


I can do it with Signal Express and make it pretty no brain to setup for students. I have limited Labview programming skills and the students have very little. The course is focusing on Vibrations not Programming.


thanks though. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't pushing the wrong button.



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Message 20 of 25