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Configuration of C series card on Ni9038 chassis

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I am using Ni9038 RT chassis for my application. In my application some cards are not performing time critical operation (relay switching, CAN communication), can i configure those cards at host side LabVIEW vis? Configure those card in same fashion we configure cDAQ chassis card. Using cDAQ functions in LabVIEW.



Best Regards
Sumit Memane
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2
Accepted by sumit04

Hi sumit04,


There are two ways you could go with this:

  1. Switch to a CompactRIO with DAQmx device such as the cRIO-904x or cRIO-905x families of devices. These are our latest CompactRIOs and have support for using modules with DAQmx, RIO Scan Interface, ... Your current cRIO is a bit older and lacks the DAQmx support. 
  2. If the specific modules you are using support Scan Interface operations, you can use them in that mode. This would be through I/O Variables rather than a specific API. 

One other comment: For CAN communication if you're using the older NI-CAN modules, those are only supported with FPGA mode. We have a new driver for CAN communication, NI-XNET, for which the modules are all accessible from LabVIEW Real-Time instead of FPGA. 


Overall, I'd recommend taking a look at what you're using in the Software Support for CompactRIO, CompactDAQ, Single-Board RIO, R Series, and EtherCAT page and speaking to NI Support to get a better idea about what options exist and where to look for help implementing them.

Charlie J.
National Instruments
Message 2 of 2