04-29-2021 02:53 AM
Hello all,
I was wondering whether anyone managed to configure Systemlink with AWS DocumentDB. Currently we have our Systemlink server running in an EC2 instance.
For data backup and easier management of the EC2 instance I would like to move the MongoDB to a DocumentDB instance.
Anybody done this already? Any luck?
The most relevant documentation for this I found in the operation handbook under 2.5 (https://operations.systemlink.io/network-security/network-security/).
Thanks for any hints!
04-29-2021 07:53 AM
As this a Linux Real-time forum, you will probably get a better response posting to the Systemlink board:
04-29-2021 11:55 PM
Thanks. Honestly I thought I posted in the Systemlink board. But as I had both tabs open I must have clicked the wrong one without double checking 🙄.
I posted again here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/SystemLink/Configure-Systemlink-with-AWS-DocumentDB/td-p/4146758
If there is a mod/admin please feel free to close/delete this thread.