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Guide: How to get Console Output in PuTTY Terminal without serial connexion

Ever since I startet using NI Linux RT I wanted to get a console output in the PuTTY terminal. Up untill now I have not found a way or guide for this. If this is a know way to get it, sorry.


So, in order to get the console output in the PuTTY terminal you need the following:


  ->Controller with NI Linux RT

      ->HTOP (opkg install htop) or whatever process manager you prefer


  ->Host PC


     ->Admins rights



1.Open the PuTTY Terminal and write # sudo htop

2. Press F5

3. Locate the following process


4. Press K and send a SIGNTERM

5. Locate the following process


6. Press K and send a SIGNTERM

7. Pres crt+c to terminate htop

8. terminal: # /bin/sh /etc/init.d/lvrt-daemon


The lvrt-daemon will start again from you terminal and you will have the console output there. Here is a screenshot!





I am using LV 2019. I do not really know which security implication come with this... if any


This can also be used to restart LV-RT in a target when it is not responsive anymore or to plug a monitor directly to the target, use # su to log as admin and use the same method to get the cosole output there. Of course you can also debug with front panels if you activate the embedded UI but yeah... I like my strings.









Restbust, Simulations and HiL development
Custom Device Developer
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you could use


cat /dev/vcs


/dev/vcs is merely a mirror of the virtual console, which more or less always exists, even if you have neither serial nor VGA


Not sure what will happen with your approach with lvrt process once you disconnect your console.



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Message 2 of 4

@ypi What information are you seeing with this process, that you cannot see by using PuTTY, connected to a serial port or through an SSH session? 

David C
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hey David,

VeriStand console log appears only on default console... So if you connect through putty you don't see the log on putty instance of the console.



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