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It's possible to get the Process ID (pid) of a VI running at the cRIO-9038?



I'm new using the Linux RT OS and I'm doing some remote control applications using x11vnc, I'm making some VIs to been able to guarantee the access to defined Windows running. In this way I'm getting the list of Process ID using

ps -a

 and then 

xdotool search --pid [pid]

 to take the window ID of the process that I want and finally to do the execution using x11vnc.

However, every VI that I run at the cRIO (As Startups or not) they don't left any kind of ID using the "ps -a", in that way I try with

xprop _NET_WM_PID | cut -d' ' -f3

to take directly the process id of any window just by clicking on it getting the following result:


So I would like to know if there's a way to get the Process ID of any VI that could run inside the Linux RT.

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