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Missing Bluetooth and BTUSB modules after formating MyRIO and updating firmware

I am trying to use  Cirago Bluetooth 4.0 USB dongle connected to MyRIO to commuincate with BT enabled sensors directly from MyRIO.

NI Linux RT was properly detecting this device until I formated MyRIO and updated its firmware from 1.0.0f1 to 2.0.0f0.

For some reason, the new kernel version is missing the bluetooth drivers located at: \lib\modules\3.2.35-rt52-1.0.0f1\updates\drivers\bluetooth

(\updates folder does not exit on the new 3.2.35-rt52-2.0.0f0 kernel)

How can I install back these missing bluetooth drivers? Why were these drivers lost after formating myRio and installing the new firmware?

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Message 1 of 7


The base image in 2013 did not include the updates folder, as I recall. Did someone setup this target before handing it to you?

After a bit more investigation, I found where those were coming from. I'll forward this question along to the guys who worked on the component that brought in the updates folder

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Message 2 of 7

Thank you BradM,

Notice that nobody setup this target before handling it to me. This was the original configuration it came with.

Why the updates folder is not included as part of the new firmware version? (i.e. Kernel 3.2.35-rt52-2.0.0f0) How can they be added to this new Kernel? Or how can I go back to the original Kernel and recover these drivers?

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Message 3 of 7

As I corrected myself above, I found the reason that the "updates" folder exists in the MyRIO case for the kernel modules. It is due to the system for the 802.11 wireless drivers in the 2013 release. The fact that bluetooth modules were included was not intended, largely since there's a lack of support for the bluetooth pallette for LabVIEW RT.

If I were in your position, I suppose my next move would greatly depend on how comfortable I am with working with the kernel. You can either build the needed kernel module(s) on the device itself (takes a bit of work and some trial and error) or attempt to rebuild the kernel with a changed configuration to pull in the modules that you want (again, requires a bit or work and some trial and error).

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Message 4 of 7

Thank you BradM,

Can you point me to some reference documents that describe how to build these kernel modules, or how to rebuild the kernel with changed configuration?

Also, after playing with my BT USB dongle inserted to MyRio USB port: after installing Python-core package and trying to run a simple-agent python script to pair BT dongle with my PC, I can't communicate with MyRio after rebooting it:

Status led keeps blinking ~ two times every few seconds, and it can't connect to NI MAX.

How can I re-image MyRio to bring it back to a good state, if it can't connect with NI MAX?

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Message 5 of 7

I put together some documentation describing how to work with the kernel source here:

Message 6 of 7

I put together some documentation describing how to work with the kernel source here:

It would be really good to have a fully automated deployment of an reliable, fully reproducable build environment (eg. ptxdist-based):

Linux Embedded / Kernel Hacker / BSP / Driver development / Systems engineering
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Message 7 of 7