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Printing from a Linux RT (cRIO-9030) with embedded UI

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Hi gjmontagner,


Sorry for the delay, still catching up after NIWeek. What printer do you intend on using with the cRIO (just so I have a reference). I can run through the setup I did previously for working with the network printer here in the office (a Ricoh Aficio copier/scanner/printer) and post the results of that, and some of that will be useful, but you will likely need to make some adjustments.


When attempting to add a printer, it's looking for the root, so you will need to add a password to the root user (using the admin user, both users are effectively the same-ish, both UID 0, but they use different authentication mechanisms). Try providing the admin login credentials and, if that doesn't work, login as admin and use the command passwd root to add a password for the root user, and try again with those credentials.


Basically, the "drivers" for printers on Linux come down to one or more .ppd files that describe to cups how to interact with your printer. When I setup the printer on my controller, I used the .ppd files that came with the foomatic packages (which cover a lot of printers). Check to see if your printer is already included in the set that comes with those packages and, if not, you really only need to extract out from those .rpm/.deb files (using file-roller, e.g.) the .ppd files and place them somewhere sane (e.g. /usr/share/cups/model).


I'll do a quick writeup on what I did to setup the printer here

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 17

Hello, Brad.
Thanks for the reply.
So, I tried setting up a password for the root account, but still I can't enter the "Add printer" section of the web UI. I still can try to add the printer without the UI, though.
As for the driver, I could copy the ppd file with the lpadmin -P option, but if I try with lpadmin -m, I get a "unable to copy ppd file" message. Do you know how can I work around this?
Anyway, when I try to print any file, I get a "file type unsupported: raw text (or jpg, or pdf)" message... Still working on this though.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 17

Hi again,
There is also another importante information: the printer status in the web UI shows the following message:


Idle - "File "/opt/epson-inkjet-printer-201207w/cups/lib/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter" not available: No such file or directory"
I have no /opt folder in the crio.Maybe that is preventing me from printing any files?
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 17

Try looking at the instructions in the guide I wrote and see if that helps


Checking the .rpm from Epson, it seems that the listed path is a path within the .rpm archive itself, which means to me that you did not extract out the utility correctly (both the .rpm and the .deb should have the same overall structure and contents, just in different formats, like a .rar vs. a .zip)

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

Hi Brad. It's been a long time, how are you? I hope I find you and your family with good health.


Can you help me? I am currently trying to print from an IC-3173.

I want to access cups web interface from a network connect pc, but I'm gettin a "not found" message when I enter on the browser.

nmap shows the port 631 is open on that ip


netstat on the IC-3173 shows :::ipp, but doesn't show :::631

I issued the "cupsd -f" command.

Any help would be greatly apprecciated


Thank you in advance

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Message 15 of 17

Actually I was able to enter
It seems the system lacks some files which would be used to render the UI for the Initial page, but admin page is rendered normally

the problem now is I cannot login in order to add a printer!
It seems by the cups error log that "pam_authenticate" returns a "unknown module" error

Were you able to login to the web interface normally? I'm not using a cRIO-9030, but a IC-3171, maybe that can be the reason...

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 17

Hi Brad!

Just to let you know: I disabled cups authentication and could open the add printer page

Also, I was able to print from the command line in raw text format.

I installed the printer driver HPLIP on the IC, which was surprising, since the  requirements for the package, as stated on the website, are not available via opkg search.

Now I only need to test out printing images with hplip filters!!

Thank you! Your guide was of fundamental importance

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Message 17 of 17