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Unable to compile uinput module on cRIO 9030

My touch monitor uses  'EXC7700 eGalax' controller which is designed for multi-touch.

This is not 'USB touch Screen' for 'HIDRAW' but 'hid-multitouch'

It's not matter of HIDRAW.

There is no change when I remove the driver 'usbtouchscreeen'.

When I test it under Xubuntu 3.13.0-67-generic, I can get same result.


#xinput test-xi2


Event type 23 (RawTouchUpdate)

device : 2 (17)

detail : 1

valuators :

     0 : 1040.00(0.00)    //Abs MT Position X

     1 : 2932.00(0.00)    //Abs MT position Y

     2 : 1.00(1.00)         //Abs MT Distance


I think "valuator 2' is click event because if I hold my finger on screen then valuator 2 change to zero.

But I could not do nothing more on Linux. I 'm not good at Linux yet.

So, I desinged a sub-VI which change 'Interval time of position change' to 'Click event' on LabVIEW.


0 Kudos
Message 21 of 73

I'm trying to format the controller to restor it to the defoult configuration but an error occurs and now I'm not able to access to the controller. MAX can't see the cRIO and the status led is continuosly blinking (error on linux boot). I've tryed to enter in safe mode with the reset button but the cRIO do not enter safe mode. I've tryed also the "Troubleshoot Remote System Discovery" but the cRIO isn't detectable both ethernet and USB.What can I do to reconnect to the cRIO?

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 73

You probably knew this already, but just to confirm: to enter safe mode with the reset button, you have to hold down the button for a while (5+ seconds) until the status light toggles. If safe mode still doesn't work, you'll want to call NI support and ask about system recovery.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 73

Seyong, m-power,

About the display:

Unfortunately, this is an area of Linux that doesn't have much effort on providing a nice, unified approach to configuring such devices. It requires quite a bit of detective work: finding others who have had the same or similar devices, be able to gather what information is useful and applicable to your system, and a reasonable chance that you need to reconfigure Xorg and maybe the kernel as well.

It is just these sorts of reasons that NI sells touch displays that it has tested and verified work with the NI controller configuration. We've done that work already on those displays (and their touch controllers). As it stands, we don't have access to a display that has an eGalax touch controller in it, so there's limited assistance I can give.

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 73


I expect that you still have the display connected to the controller, what are you seeing as you attempt to boot/connect to the target? What led you up to the situation you're in currently?

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 73

ScotSalmon I have already followed the procedure you describe but nothings appens.

BradM: hi have atteched the monitor and the boot procedure stops to GRUB message. The status led is yellow and continuosly flashing.

Fom the cRIO manual:

"The controller has not booted into NI Linux Real-Time. The controller either booted into an unsupported operating system, was interrupted during the boot process, or detected an unrecoverable software error."

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 73

m-power wrote:


BradM: hi have atteched the monitor and the boot procedure stops to GRUB message.


What specifically do you see? Does it show something like a menu for booting or simply the words "Booting GRUB", or something else?

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 73

Simply "GRUB" (o somting similar, I'm not near the controller)

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 73

Ah, then I would follow ScotSalmon's recommendation and contact NI Support about recovering your controller

0 Kudos
Message 29 of 73

Ok. Thank you all

0 Kudos
Message 30 of 73