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lvuste dll

Hi all

I'm trying to move a huge application from PharLap to Linux RT. I already had some problems, but here is the last one.

When i try to deploy my application on the target i have the following error :



In the dependencies, i found the lvuste.dll, and when i select find the caller , i get Fire Software-Triggered Timing . It seems the function is not supported in Linux RT ? Anyway, For the moment i just disabled the call of this function in my code. And even now, i still have this error ... 

Any idea will be greatly appreciated ...

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hi kabooom,


To my knowledge, that VI should be supported on Linux RT. I've been unable to reproduce the behavior you're seeing but I was admittedly testing on a Linux RT cRIO and not a PXI. Can you simplify the problem to a small case outside of your full application? If so, I'd recommend contacting NI Support through the formal channel.

Charlie J.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi kabooom, 


To pile on to Charlie's comment, I also would encourage you to contact support about this. If this isn't supported on Linux RT PXI for some reason, we'll want to file a bug and fix that up quick. 


Can you also describe the other problems you ran into while migrating your application? We're actively trying to move people off of the Phar Lap PXI platform and onto Linux RT PXI, so we are motivated to fix any gaps between the two. 


Rita Prather
Software Product Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Which version of LabVIEW are you porting to? And from?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Hi all, thanks for your answers.

First, I'm migrating from LV 2017 to LV 2019, I use a PXIe-8880 target.

I tried to reproduce the problem in a simple vi without success ... I'm not sure it comes from, Fire Software-Triggered Timing Source. vi . As i said, when i deploy the project i got the message above mentionned. In the dependencies, when i select the lvuste.dll and right click Find Callers it points on Fire Software-Triggered Timing Source. vi . This vi is only called once in my project and i disabled the code. Even after disabling the code, the dll stay in dependencies, and i got the error when deploying....


I think i will contact NI directly but usually i get better answers through forums...


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

One last thing to try before you contact support: Try deleting the Fire Software Triggered Timing, saving the project and its VIs, then adding it back from the palettes. I think rtollert was hinting at this but it's possible that your project is somehow pointing to an older version of that VI. 


Additionally, I would make sure to confirm you have the right software installed on your PXIe-8880. Support will likely request a NI MAX Technical Support Report to confirm that. If a simple case with the VI in question doesn't reproduce then I'm not sure that the installation is the issue but it's worth double-checking. 

Charlie J.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi GatorBait!

I tried to delete all call to lvuste.dll i.e. i delete the vi call to  Fire Software Triggered Timing from my project, the lvuste.dll was not even more in my dependencies. 

However i still get the same error when i try to deploy my project . i don't know why he tries to deploy this library ! 

After that i tried to add it again from the palette , therefore the dll was back again in the dependencies and when i deploy i get the same error again.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hi GatorBait!


Just to tell you that removing the vi and taking it from the palette finally worked, the problem was that some other vi called the functions Clear Timing source and Create Timing Source.

I deleted these vi and replace them as well... and i passed this step.


Now, I have the same problem with, but maybe i can apply the same procedure.... 

Thanks for your help...

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Message 8 of 8