NI Package Manager (NIPM)

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Unable to install .net libraries in docker

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Like a follow-up from my previous post, I'd like now ask if there's a way to install DAQmx development libraries without all the drivers that are needed at run-time.


What I did so far after the installation of nipm is this:

nipkg.exe install ni-daqmx-dotnet-fx45-support -y --accept-eulas --verbose

This failed at two places:

- One is referenced in this post , so I was able to solve it by installing webview2 package from microsoft manually.

- The second one is caused by **ni-ede** package, which I believe is a driver. It seems you can't install drivers in Windows containers. And I need this only as a CI build machine, so no driver run-time is necessary.


Is there any solution for this?

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author UVV-wika

Take a look at the other files in the repo linked from your previous post - there are some Powershell scripts which create fake packages from a template and can be used to enable installation of various NI packages, including DAQmx.


I've also given some presentations discussing this method, e.g. GDevCon (45 minutes) and earlier than that (and less descriptive) GLA Summit (7 minutes).


Hopefully one or the other of those can give you some hints (note also that the BuildAllImages script can build some variations of DAQmx and cRIO images).

Message 2 of 3

Thanks a lot for your work. Using your scripts I was able to extract only two required .net packages I needed for my container and the application compiled. I hope I could reuse your approach further when we move the application from .net to C or C++.

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Message 3 of 3