NI Package Manager (NIPM)

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how to upgrade package manager through command line

I've got a bunch of systems that have NI package manger 19.0 installed, and I want to upgrade them to 19.5 through a command line process (*.bat file).

I've tried just installing the standalone 19.5 installer, but that won't update the version.  I try upgrading a package that requires the new package manager (and has it as a dependency) but it fails saying I need the new NI package manager.


What's the process to cause a NI package manager update through command line?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 24

Hi warren_scott,


"I've tried just installing the standalone 19.5 installer, but that won't update the version."

Can you confirm where you got the standalone installer from? Also, can you elaborate more on the error or issue you saw (screenshots would be great). This should work, so the issues you're having are concerning to me.



Aaron Peña

Product Owner, Package and License Management

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 24

standalone installer came from NI product software downloads page

I had downloaded this a few months back and installed as 19.0.  Used that and linked to a my own feed to install packages.  locked (nipkg.exe lock) ni package manager to prevent updates.

Downloaded ni package manager 19.5 standalone installer as linked above.  Tried installing it (command line install of .exe above) and get nothing -- ends with no error, no change.

issued an unlock command against NI package manager (nipkg.exe unlock) and tried installer again (double click on EXE as administrator).  get message saying package already installed and will do nothing.

verified version is still at 19.0 per command line. 

see attached image.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 24

I have found that if I open up NI package manager itself (the already installed 19.0 version by going through start menu) and go to the update screen, it does see that there is a 19.5 version to update to, and I get a message along the top of NI package manager saying my version is out of date and to update.  I click the update link at the top of the screen expecting to update just ni pkg manager, but it then went through and updated all my other software packages that were also out-of-date (but NOT desired to be updated, and NOT checked to update).  Not expected update behavior.



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Message 4 of 24

Have you had a chance to look at the screenshot?  is there any additional information I can provide to help figure out what is (not) happening?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 24

Hi warren_scott,


Apologies for the delay. I've tried to reproduce this behavior per your instructions, but I have not been successful in doing so. A few more questions:

  1. When you say "it then went through and updated all my other software packages that were also out-of-date", can you give some examples of the other software packages that you are referring to?
  2. Did you lock any other packages other than ni-package-manager?
  3. Did you change any of the default configuration settings?


 - Aaron

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 24

1) it updated from LabVIEW 2019 to LabVIEW 2019f2 patch

2) when I set the lock, I just called "nipkg lock" with the hope/assumption that it would lock all/everything (did not specify any package in particular).  same with "nipkg unlock"

3) other settings were left alone other than adding a custom feed



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 24

Hi Warren,


I can't seem to replicate this issue either.  Since you're having so many issues with the NIPM update, I think we should take a deeper look at the situation.  The first thing is to get logs:


Then, I would suggest that you open a service request at and speak to one of our technical support engineers. They'll be able to work with you more quickly on this.  If you'd like to post the logs to this thread as well, I'd be happy to take a look also.




Michael B.
Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 24

I think I figured out what was causing the problem.

Turns out I had a package installed that had a dependency on "NI Package Manager" = "19.0" and that caused package manager to not want to install. 

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 24

Is there a way to issue a command line command that will cause the NI Package Manager to update itself like you do through the GUI? Or do you just need to run the stand-alone installer?

Bill Eisenhower
Certified LabVIEW & TestStand Developer
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Message 10 of 24