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MySequenceFile About box splash screen

Status: Declined

I'm declining this idea due to lack of community support. Also, you can implement this pretty easily in a SequenceFileLoad callback - The full featured OI examples contain the code for a splashscreen like this, so you could just call that from a callback.

Even though we already have an About box for TestStand, it would also be nice to have one for the active TestSequence file as well. The Help menu would have a new item called "About MySequenceFile ...".


MySequenceFile About box splash screen:



The information in this screen should be loaded directly from a single FileGlobal string whenever a sequence file is made active. This can probably be done already by those that know how, but it should be already part of TestStand by default.





Within the TestStand Editor it would be nice to have the ability to edit this text directly on the Help Menu About box instead of having to go to the specific File Global where it is stored. It would also be nice if this information would be added to the report file header by default:



System Architect Name: Architect 1                           Developer Name: Developer 1

Sequence File Name: MySequenceFile,                      Sequence File Version: 1.1.1

Test Software Release Part Number:                           Test Software Release Date:

   ER0001001                                                                 7-23-2010

Test Set HW Part Number: HW0001001

UUT Product ID(s) tested by this software:                   UUT Product Name(s):

   9900000,                                                                     Product A,

   9900001                                                                      Product B        





NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Declined

I'm declining this idea due to lack of community support. Also, you can implement this pretty easily in a SequenceFileLoad callback - The full featured OI examples contain the code for a splashscreen like this, so you could just call that from a callback.