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I think it can a be a really good idea to review and give feedback on all Idea exchange.


You ask us to give feedback but you don't finish the loop.


Some idea are mark as new for many years now...


There is a LabVIEW Champion title... so why not a TestStand Champion title ?!

I think it would make a lot of sense !

Type Files have a feature to combine files from an install: files prefixed with 'Install_' get merged file existing file (explained here).


I am building a ModelPlugin, and I would like it to be enabled and configured in the Result Processing after install (users should intentionally opt out of using the installed plugin instead of opt-in). The settings are saved in ResultProcessing.cfg, and there is no merge feature available. Placing my own ResultProcessing.cfg will remove any previous settings the user had configured (or other plugins). I would like to be able to place a 'Install_ResultProcessing.cfg' that gets merged upon TestStand launch similar to type files.

Currently Custom Icon can only be placed under 


C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2014 (32-bit)\Components\Icons


C:\Program Files\TestStand 2014\Components\Icons

and also from 

search directory option for icon (New Idea)


If icons can also be loaded in path mentioned search directory, It help a lot in handling things among a large ATE Team (50 Test Developers)




We have several sequences which are too long to execute (test stand crashes during the initial load) using the preload option.  These are often sequences with 50-100 subsequences which define contiguous tests to be performed.

If Test Stand had a 64 bit version additional memory would be a solution to this problem.

See Also

Simulated Devices in LabVIEW projects

Project and Workspace Context in MAX


Link to those ideas in next post


We can already create tasks, channels and scales in a LabVIEW project but, We cannot then use MAX to run those Tasks and we must use MAX to create a simulated device on a development machine.  After a few projects the Max configuration becomes cluttered.  Deployment and importing of the hardware configuration can get problematic to say the least! 


On the other hand- if the Hardware, Data neighborhood and IVI session set-ups could be added to the workspace, deployment would be a snap! just import the *.nce from the workspace without having to create one from MAX and exclude items not concerned for the deployment.


For integration and station troubleshooting the Sessions, Aliases, Tasks et al would be organized by deployment in MAX and fault identification has all the "tools" any repair tech could want to isolate a failure.

After a recent attempt to create a virgin system by deinstalling all NI software and installing it again I hit an issue that took quite a while to resolve (FYI: Reference#1295936).

Basically, neither the file system nor the registry was properly cleansed during the uninstallation procedure.

Sometimes this behavior is desired - e.g.. if you want to keep user settings - but sometimes not.


Currently the user is neither given the option to decide whether he wants a "clean" uninstall or one which keeps data saved nor he is given information about the extend of the uninstallation.


An selectable option to create a virgin system (at least regarding NI software) either during deinstallation or later during installation (if residual data is detected) could be helpful.

This applies to all software handled by the NI installation routine, I just put it into the TS-section because there I missed it first.

Have you ever wanted to run a customizable batch file or executable after a CVI Application has been deployed? In my case I do. In my case, I want to automatically run a batch file that sets the Environment Paths in Windows of my executables and DLL's after the installation is completed. To make this work currently I am requiring the person who is installing the application to manually run a batch file to set up the Environment Paths in Windows. Potentially error prone if the paths are not set for my applications. My batch file would be written as: "Set Path <etc> from the command line prompt. CVI 2010 does not have this capability.


In older versions of CVI I think this feature existed but I do not know which CVI version National Instruments removed it from.


There may be other cases that I might want to run an executable(s) that sets up the application up in a default situation for first time use only.


I am sure there are other cases where other CVI Developers who would want this capability too.

In TestStand this feature exists in the "TestStand Deployment Utility" under the Custom Commands tab.