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Support for LabVIEW Classes

Status: Completed
With the release of TestStand 2012, you can now specify whether a LabVIEW adapter step calls a VI or a class member, and you can select a LabVIEW class or class member. This new feature allows for the direct use of dynamic dispatching within TestStand which allows users to take advantage of Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) architectures. This was possible in previous versions of TestStand but it required a wrapper LabVIEW VI to implement it. For more details on this new feature, check out the "LabVIEW Adapter Enhancements" section in the NI TestStand 2012 Help under What's New in TestStand>>TestStand 2012>>New Features. Thanks for the feedback! Lars

TestStand can support LabVIEW Clusters, but with Object-Oriented LabVIEW development becoming more and more common, and OOP particularly suited to driver development it seems crazy that one NI product does not properly support the other!


One of the biggest benefits I see is that the inheritance property of classes could allow us to create flexible test systems that can have a particular driver changed without having to change the sequence itself.



Active Participant

Shaun -


I encourage you to sign up for the TestStand 2010 Beta. There are some exciting new features in the LabVIEW Adapter. It would be most helpful to us to have LabVIEW users start experimenting with these changes and report back any issues or additional suggestions.


Manooch H.

Manooch H.
National Instruments
Active Participant
Status changed to: In Beta

Shaun -

I am changing the status of your idea to 'beta'. The beta that Manooch mentions includes support for passing class references between LabVIEW and TestStand. TestStand dynamic dispatching VIs is not supported yet, but is something that we want to support in the future. However, once a reference is passed back to LabVIEW, the called VI can invoke dynamically dispatched VIs on the reference.


Scott Richardson

Scott Richardson
Jervin Justin
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Under Consideration
TestStand 2010 supports the ability to pass class references between LabVIEW & TestStand and store LabVIEW class references in TestStand directly as object references. The idea to support Dynamic Dispatching VIs has been updated to "Under Consideration" Thanks, Jervin Justin
Jervin Justin
NI TestStand Product Manager
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Completed
With the release of TestStand 2012, you can now specify whether a LabVIEW adapter step calls a VI or a class member, and you can select a LabVIEW class or class member. This new feature allows for the direct use of dynamic dispatching within TestStand which allows users to take advantage of Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) architectures. This was possible in previous versions of TestStand but it required a wrapper LabVIEW VI to implement it. For more details on this new feature, check out the "LabVIEW Adapter Enhancements" section in the NI TestStand 2012 Help under What's New in TestStand>>TestStand 2012>>New Features. Thanks for the feedback! Lars