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Using time string in report file path without space character

Status: New

There are some macros to specify report file name by expression in report options.


Specifying Report File Paths by Expression - NI TestStand 2014 Help - National Instruments


$(FileDate) contains speces in the string, e.g., "2015 12 15". If you want to delete space, you need to use $(FileYear), $(FileMonth), and $(FileDate) instead.


But there is no similar expression for time, i. e., there is only $(FileTime) and we do not have any macro such as $(FileHour).


SearchAndReplace function doesn't work for the macros. It is very helpful if we have $(FileHour), $(FileMin), and $(FileSec) as standard macros.



ReportOptions 01.png



ReportOptions 02.png



Active Participant

I like this too, but I also want to plug an old Idea (self serving of me!) to just allow for arbitrary formats as single strings rather than complex expressions... as this would solve not only the white space issue but a host of others? Also, A.Sasaki, someone did answer mine with a .NET workaround if that helps you?


Why is this not implemented yet? We use these macros for filenames/directories, it's well known that people dislike whitespace in filenames and directories. Could this be patched into TestStand?