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Announcing TestStand 2024 Q4!

TestStand 2024 Q4 released on October 9th, 2024 and is available for download!
















We’re excited to announce the release of TestStand 2024 Q4, which comes with new features including:


  • Executing .NET core (.NET 😎 code modules
  • Support for Python Virtual environments created using venv
  • Support for Python 3.12
  • New online/offline product help experience
  • Visual updates to sequence editor
  • Automatic login if no user profiles exist
  • Re-using sequence files across TestStand versions
  • Executing source-only VIs using version independent LabVIEW Runtime engine


TestStand 2024 Q4 includes the following features and changes:


Executing .NET 8 code modules

All these years, TestStand supported .NET Framework. .NET core is a newer technology which is cross platform and performant. .NET 8 is the latest version and has long-term support. This release of TestStand will enable calling into, debugging NET 8 code modules from TestStand. You can still call into .NET Framework assemblies, provided you don’t use resources that are no longer supported by Microsoft in .NET 8.


Python virtual environments created using venv

Virtual environments are commonly used by Python developers to isolate the versions of Python and packages for different projects under development from each other. All these years, TestStand supported Python virtual environments created using a popular third-party package called virtualenv. This release of TestStand supports virtual environments created using venv which is a built in python package and a recommended way to create virtual environments.





























Python 3.12 support

TestStand now supports executing Python code modules using Python 3.12.


New online/offline product help experience

This release of TestStand provides a new, secure and a modern experience for product help and other TestStand related documentation. By default, TestStand will point to online documentation when internet connection is available and offline documentation otherwise.


The default behavior can be changed by updating the help preference (which can be launched from start menu)












Visual updates to the Sequence editor

This release of TestStand sequence editor contains improvements to contrast to the various panes and selections, bigger menu bar and tool bar.

The figure below shows a comparison between TestStand 2024 Q4 (left) and TestStand 2023 Q4 (right)




















Automatic login to default user if no user profiles exist

If no user profile is set, you will be logged in to the default user profile automatically without having to enter the default credentials. There would be no change in behavior when there are user profiles created. (If no user profile is set, you don't get the below pop up every time you launch TestStand. You will see it only if you have set at least one user profile)











Reusing sequence files across TestStand versions

Starting this release, sequence files can be used across versions of TestStand without re-saving. This would be supported across versions where there aren’t breaking changes, this is indicated by change in the engine version number (which can be found in Help >> About TestStand) 


Executing source-only VIs using version independent LabVIEW Runtime engine

Starting LabVIEW 2024 Q3, the version information of source-only VIs do not get updated during save/mass-compile. This release of TestStand allows selecting a version independent LabVIEW Run Time Engine to execute such source only VIs. You can select this option in the LabVIEW adapter configuration.














You can download TestStand 2024 Q4, here, today!

For more information, view the Manual.

Message 1 of 3



I've been testing 2024 Q4 for a few days. Really impressed with the potential of the tool.

The offline help is working wonders since I can't access the internet while in my company's intranet.


However, while trying to perform the tutorial steps, I may have stumbled uppon a small bug on the tutorial files installed with the new version. While trying to execute Computer.seq I get a database error. I debbuged a bit and seem to have found the problem: The computer.dll file seems to be outdated, because it does not match the implementation of the computer.c function ROMTest(). I imagine you guys changed this test from a numeric value to a Pass/Fail.


Could you send me the correct computer .dll or provide some way for me to fix this issue? I plan on presenting this demo file to higher-ups so we can approve the switch to TestStand 2024.


Best regards!

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Thanks for trying out the new version and your valuable feedback.


Regarding the issue you are seeing, I'm assuming you are referring to the computer mother board CVI demo that we ship. (is this correct?)

We are unable to reproduce this issue. Can you try installing TestStand on a clean machine & try running it again? Which bitness of TestStand are you using (32 bit or 64 bit?)

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3