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Batch UUT information dialog

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I need to customize the Batch model using CVI.For example need to add 2 more Batch serial number strings on top, remove status message, last socket row - do not show serail number box etc.Looks like the files I need to modify are batchuutdlg.c and modelpanels.uir.

Found that the source code is under "National Instruments\TestStand 4.1\Components\Models\TestStandModels". What are the best practice to make modification to NI provided code? Also which files will be required to be deployed, if all the modified code then would need to be in the same directory?


Please advise.


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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author lvrat

It depends on what version of TestStand you have.  Back in the day (I believe Pre 4.0) there used to be a  Users and NI folder in each of the TestStand folders. You were supposed to copy it into the Users folder and make modifications in there.


Nowadays (definitely with 4.5, not sure about 4.1 but know it's true for 4.1.1), you would put any changes in the public folder.  If you go to: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\<TestStand> you will see a link to something called the TestStand Public folder.  That folder should be structured just like the <TestStand> folder.  Same directories and everything.  When you modify native code you copy it over to the public directories and that way you still have the native original code if you need to go back.  Also, this handles situations where you might not be an Admin on a machine- you cannot change any files in Program Files.


If you look in the Search Directories in TestStand you will see that it references the Public folder first and then the native folder.  That way it always grabs your modified code first.  So if you were to move the SequentialModel.seq to the public folder your path would look like this: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\<TestStand>\Components\Models\TestStandModels\SequentialModel.seq (for XP).  But you would still have the SequentialModel.seq (unchanged) over in the native folder.  When a sequence file loads and goes to grab the process model it looks in the public folder first and grabs that process model.


In your case it would be any of the files you mentioned.  Although I would think you would want to move all the CVI code over so it can all stay with the prj.  


When you go to deploy on the first tab there is a checkbox called: Deploy Files in TestStand Public Directory.  So all of your customizations will now be included in the deployment.  It will put them back into the public folder on the deployment machine and the search directories should be similar so you would be good to go.


Hope this helps,

~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
Message 2 of 5

Is it required to rename the CVI files after moving to pubic folder? What confused me is the article I found here.

I did rename the files and even the project plus changed the name of dll but now looks like the Batch process model will have to be relinked which ever step calls modelsupport2.dll.

Is this the recomended approach when the Batch UUT Info box code is being updated? 


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Message 3 of 5

This is a tough question.  For our org we do rename and relink.  But then again we have our own process models.  The reason I like to rename is so that we aren't confused and we know that it has been modified.  However, you should be perfectly fine if you don't rename.


modelsupport2.dll is not one we have changed yet.  We usually find a way around it.  It should be a simple find/replace in TestStand to relink though?


Again, it just depends on your purpose.  I don't think there is really a recommended way.  One could argue either way.


Usually when we modify and rename we will put our company name with an underscore before the file.  For instance CompanyName_SequentialModel.seq or CompanyName_horizontal.xsl.


Sorry I don't have more but that's how I look at it.


~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Thanks on the thoughts jigg.

I think I will go with rename and relink:)


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Message 5 of 5