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BatchModel - 10 loops and save test report after each loop completes

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Greetings Everyone,


     We are using TestStand 2010 and presently using the BatchModel.seq for a quantity of four (4) UUTs in a Burn-In configuration.  The Client sequence loops ten (10) times.  I am wondering if there is a way to save the test data report at the end of each loop and create another one for each of the loops after that.  Is this possible or am I asking too much from the TestStand software?  Thank you in advance for your responses to this latest post.





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Message 1 of 3

A couple of ideas:


1) Rather than loop in mainsequence, you can instead let the model do the looping. You can override prebatch and postbatch to control the looping and enter the serial number info or modify this code in the model. By letting the model do the looping you will get the normal behavior where the report is written to after each loop.


2) You can do On-the-fly report generation, the report will be written to after each result rather than at the end of the uut loop.


Hope this helps,


Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author Scott754

Hi Doug,


     Thank you for the reply.


     I will discuss these with my co-worker whom had a hand in the development of this client file.  This client file was developed mostly by a contractor who works for our customer.  These options sound like they will do the trick.  The client file is used for Burn-In, so there are three levels of testing at three different temperature levels.  We are trying to track down some possible bugs in this contractor's code in which the client file crashes and all data is lost.  This will at least give us some options of collecting the data in a fashion that we shouldn't have to worry if there is an error during the process and at least retain some of the data.  Thank you for your reply and if there is anything else we have trouble with I will post again.





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Message 3 of 3