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Change Parameters.ReportOptions by expression

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I couldn't get it running, therefore I've created a very simple test sequence. I will add the Expression, when I get the simple sequence working.

Have you also opened my test workspace? I've opened the zip-file which I uploaded to the forum and the "ReportOptions" sequence is in it.


Best regards,



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 19

Like I said, "I have opened your sequence file and I dont see any ReportOptions sequence. In fact there is nothing other than the MainSequence which contains no steps"


At the moment I cannot look at your files because I only have 4.2.1, but I'll re-look later on this evening. I have created my own sequencefile with a ReportOprions callback sequence which contains your ReportOptions setup and this works fine for me.


What have you got in your <TestStand Public>\Components\Models\TestStandModels folder for the report generation sequence file and the process model sequence files. Have these been modified?





Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 19

I've not changed any files in the TestStand directories. I've also tried to run the sequence on an other workstation. This had the same result.

Attached the sequence file saved for TS 4.2.x


Best regards,



0 Kudos
Message 13 of 19
Accepted by topic author Niek

Hi Niek,


If you hover your mouse over the expression, you see the tip strip, which tells you how to use this.

I tested your sequence with the following expression:

Parameters.ReportOptions.ReportFileBatchModelExpression ="\"d:\\\\test_BatchReport[<FileTime>][<FileDate>]1.html\"",


I attached the modified example.




Message 14 of 19

And the example with <UUTStatus> and <UUT>



0 Kudos
Message 15 of 19

This example is running at my workstation :). I had tried a lot with the backslashes, but not enough, I see now.

I will now rebuild the example until it matches my specification. 


Ray and Bas, thank you both!




0 Kudos
Message 16 of 19

It's probably best not to include the extension as it will be picking this from the report format parameter or at least use .<FileExtension>


Also it doesn't need the \".... \" as it works with "d:\\test_BatchReport[<FileTime>][<FileDate>]"


or it Niek example "c:\\test\\<UUT>_<UUTStatus>_<Unique>"




Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 19

Quote RayFarmer: Also it doesn't need the \".... \" as it works with "d:\\test_BatchReport[<FileTime>][<FileDate>]"


This is not true, \"...\" is needed to get it working.

You have also to insert four backslashes between the folders.


Also it better to include .<FileExtension>.


The following is working for me:

Parameters.ReportOptions.ReportFileBatchModelExpression = "\"c:\\\\test\\\\<UUT>_<UUTStatus>_<Unique>.<FileExtension>\""


Thank you both again!


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 19

That's good news, well done Bas

Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 19