03-29-2012 02:23 AM
In my script I am setting the result of the pass/fail step using a global.
After the sequence executes completely the result is always coming as 'Failed'.
I have checked the Global value after every step in the sequence and its 'True' always but still the sequence result is 'Failed'.
I am not able to figure out how this 'Fail' status is coming even after successful execution of sequence.
Suggestions are welcomed.
Runjhun A.
03-29-2012 03:04 AM
Can you post an example code plz?
03-29-2012 04:31 AM
Sorry I can't produce any example code because this problem is coming only in that particular script and I can't produce that code.
But after all the steps exceuted successfully, the final result of the sequence is failed. Thats my confusion. What can be the possilble reason for this.
03-29-2012 04:47 AM
It's gonna be hard to help you without the SequenceFile...
Do you have other step than Pass/Fail test? how do you change the step result? which method/Statement are you using?
03-29-2012 05:34 AM
See its not only an Pass/Fail steps' sequence.
I have many other steps also like Action steps, expressions, loops and all.
Secondly the step result I am deciding upon the execution result of the LV module.
I have created a File Global and that I am assigning to the Data Source of the Pass/Fail step.
" Step.Result.PassFail = FileGlobals.StepPassFail"
And this variable is accessed by number of steps in my sequence file (but these execution of steps is dependent upon user selection).
03-29-2012 05:48 AM
Ok, I don't think this is the main issue, but I strongly suggest you to replace the fileglobal (use a local variable instead) Fileglobals have to acces files so it's not 100% reliable and it's not optimized.
03-29-2012 06:07 AM
Ok, thanks a ton for your suggestions.
The problem is solved and I guess the FileGlobal might have been causing the problem (though I haven't changed it yet).
Runjhun A.