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DAQ "AutoDestroyTask" Event when using SubSequence Thread

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Greetings everyone.


We encountered a DAQmx Read error with an invalid task while running the test on TestStand. Upon further investigation using NI IO Trace, we observed that DAQAutoDestroyTask was triggered for some reason. Is there a specific reason why this event was triggered?


In TestStand, we are creating a task in the main sequence and setting the channel values in a subsequence “Thread” execution. Is it possible that the task will be AutoDestroyed if the thread ends?

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Message 1 of 3

Sounds like a good explanation....

Have you tried running the same sequence with in the same thread?

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author ramsinghsivaramkumar

This issue has been resolved once we changed DAQmx Create Task (VI) with auto cleanup = FALSE. 😊

The DAQAutoDestroy won’t trigger again and only remains the proper DAQDestroy once the relevant sequence executed. Never expected the root cause was come from there.

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