03-21-2012 07:27 AM
I am trying to read in a date (mm/dd/yyyy) in string form from a file and then pass that into a LabView VI that uses that date to delete files by. However I cannot find a way to read that date in and store it in TestStand. Is there an easy way to read in the date, store it in a local variable and then pass that variable into my VI which uses it as a Timestamp?
03-21-2012 07:36 AM
you can store the date in a string local variable, or a numeric local variable. (TestStand and LabVIEW do not use the same timing convention (since 1907 vs 1904) as far as I'm aware)
03-21-2012 11:08 AM
I read it in from the file as a string and that is fine it is stored in my local variable correctly but when i try to pass that into teststand in the formal mm/dd/yyyy format it returns a random date usually around 1903
03-21-2012 11:26 AM
I think Roderic is trying to get you to do it like this:
Read date data in VI
Convert date data to string in VI
Pass string to TestStand
TestStand passes string to another VI
VI converts string to date