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Drivers in Testand are missing windows API dlls under windows 10



I have the same problem encountered by Olga and may have a  solution : in fact you have to visualize the error message raised by Teststand entirely, because it seems the DLL really needed by Teststand appear at the end of the message. It occurs when you call a DLL that have other dependencies that Teststand is not able to find. I don't know why so many windows DLL appear not found but it is not relevant.


Once you have identified the relevant missing DLL, you have to find it and put it the same directory that the main DLL you are calling in Teststand. In my case it solved the problem.


Good luck

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 24

Thank you very much for your post. I was having the same problem and just copying the relevant dll (not windows dll, but another library dll I was using) to the same directory as you suggested worked.  But this seems like a workaround. Shouldn't TestStand find the dll since the path to the dll was included in the search directory? I'm using TestStand 2017 64-bit, LabWindows/CVI 2017 and Windows 10. Hope someone from NI can explain or clarify this further.

Message 12 of 24

Here's a follow up. I think the better solution is to update the PATH environment variable (of the Windows) to include the file path to the 'relevant' dll. Then you don't have to copy the 'relevant' dll to your test dll directory. That worked for me. So you might consider checking your PATH environment variable.


Also, those additional windows dll not found messages are generated if the relevant dll was originally generated on a different OS platform. For example, if the dll was originally generated on Windows 7, but now you're running that on Windows 10, you'll get the 'not found' error not only for the 'relevant' dll, but also for all those dependent windows dll as well.

Hope this answers some questions.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 24

thank you 

but still could not resolve my issue.

can you suggest any other option?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 24

I'm sorry to hear that updating the PATH environment variable didn't resolve your issue. For me, re-compiling it on the target machine (since my development PC is Windows 7 and the target is Windows 10) and adding the path for the 3rd party DLLs that I needed resolved the problem. Just a reminder that you need to re-boot the machine to have the updated PATH to take an effect. Also, I'll re-check the path environment variable to ensure the path is entered correctly especially if your DLL file directory has a long name. Good luck to you.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 24

For this problem I can give a basic solution that you should reinstall the windows 10 software again .....

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 24

I have the same issue. What makes mine more confusing is that I am running an NI rackmount Controller (RMC-8356) with the NI Windows 10 load.


I found these DLLs on the Win 7 PC that I am trying to replace this NI PC with and copied them to the windows\syswow64 folder and added that path and yes, rebooted. No joy.

Win 10 DLL Capture.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 24



Upon further review. I used Dependency Walker to look that the dlls required. The one being asked for are definitely not in the files I transferred over. These files are different versions and a great deal more of them.


Dependency Walker - ErrorHandling dll.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 24

Hi mikie,

I would try copying the dll file to the e drive folder as shown in the error message and update the path to that folder rather than copying it to the window's system folder. I don't know this would work for sure, but maybe worth a try. Also, do you have a means to compile the code in Windows 10 environment since your target controller is Windows 10? Not only the path, but also re-compiling in the same Windows version helped resolving my issue. Hope it works for you too.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 24


Just realized that the e drive may not be available in your target. In this case, I would place the dll in the same folder as the target and re-compile the code in your development system first.

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 24