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Enqueue Teststand cluster to Labview, return a cluster by notification

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Hello all,


I'm getting very very frustrated as I cannot find a way to pass

an asynchronous VI with a Teststand cluster that mirror a LV

cluster using a queue.


It works if you wire the Teststand cluster to the VI is there is

a suitable command to link to. Yet the VI doesn't have any

connector, it waits for a queued cluster, read it from the

PropertyObject through 'GetValVariant, 'perform some magic

and is supposed to return another cluster to Teststand using

a notification


I can read single elements of the enqueued cluster, but can't

cast it into a LV cluster using, say, the good old 'VariantToData'

that indeed works beautifully withing LV.


Same happens when I try to return a cluster to Teststand

using  'SetValVariant' even though both the Teststand cluster

and the LabView cluster are of the same format and structure.

The Teststand 'Wait' notifier action is linked to the right cluster

property, but Labview fails at 'SetValVariant' because not of

the right type, even if I casted the data to variant.


I'm wondering if I'm doing wrong or Teststand and Labview

are just not engineered to transparently work together.


Here's the example I'm trying to set up, but reading the

cluster fails, while the 'False' alternative works (123.00)


Setting the notifier cluster fails too, but setting the

elements indivualy fails also because Labview doesn't

know what are 'Conformité' and 'Commentaires' in

the 'True' alternative, even though I tested the whole

hierarchical tree.




You might have figured it out, but I really really need to

get this working, and I cannot understand where the

failure is (beside between chair and keyboard) because

the principle works in LabView.


David Koch


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

OK, this morning, reading this I thought I could get lucky :


So I tried this :




Yet I got this :




So obviously Labview detects the cluster coming from

Teststand, yet doesn't provide a purposeful method such

as 'GetValContainer' or 'GetValCluster' to extract the data

so that you just have to cast with 'VariantToData'.


Is that correct ?


What's the better way to fit the incoming Teststand cluster

into its mirror Labview cluster ? After all the 'custom data

format' created in Testand was created upon its Labview

counterpart, so it should be easy to make both clusters



David Koch

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

I've found something really helpful :


I have a main cluster that contain child clusters, one

for each instrument. I can unbundle the main cluster,

select a child cluster and pass it to this VI as a variant

and I will get it parsed into atomic pieces.


Now the idea is to do the same with a 'PropertyObject'

coming from TestStand, match each element and either

copy the data down from TS to LV, or up from LV to TS.


The methodology might be quite the same :


1- Parse the hierarchy of the cluster/container

2- Look for the name, clean it to match TS naming

3- Check the datat type

4- Copy the value


Hence the additional work would be as follow :


5- Create/allocate/copy arrays

6- Ensure covering every data type (widget)


Man, I'm not going to be without job. Jobless perhaps,

but not without some duty to carry out 🙂 It's rather fun

to stumble upon so simple data copying problem in

soon-to-be 2015, while clusters were meant to simplify

people's task by bundling a large quantity of data all

together. And you still cannot do it easily between TS

and LV. I've seen 2004 or 2005 topics dealing about

the very same issue, obviously not yet solved. Boring.


David Koch

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hello all,


Happy Easter !


Sorry, too fast, New Year first 😕


Well, I'm currently stuck with my concept as I have no

idea how I should deal with variants without using the

OpenG library. I prefer to stick to bare metal and use

the almost not documented VariantType.lvlib (found

in "vi.lib\Utility\VariantDataType\") to mess with the

variant construction.


Let me tell you a story...


Once upon a time... yeah, nothing quite fancy right

now, common approach to the problem, boring I



You'll find attached below the current VIs composing

the main Teststand <-> Labview interface that is

planned to perform raw bulk container<->cluster

conversion on the fly, without... I repeat, WITHOUT

specific coding beside initializing the component

to learn the fingerprint of the container/cluster.


The main idea comes from nathand's original VI

(Get Cluster Element Names found in the

link provided above. The cluster is decomposed

into atomic elements, name and data type queued

in separate arrays. Hence it is possible to 'identify'

a container/cluster by the array of its elements

(length and data representing the parent level).


I created a teststand counterpart of the algorithm

that decompose the PropertyObject enqueued

from the Teststand queue. I compared the two

arrays and they were similar, hence confirming

that is was the right way to go.


Here's what should be done on each side of the

communication :




LV:Initialisation : 1- Learn the fingerprint of the clusters

LV:Initialisation : 2- Jump to wait enqueued data

LV:Attente : 1- Loop to wait enqueued data

LV:Attente : 2- Identify data structure (fingerprint)

LV:Attente : 3- Execute associated action




TS:Initialisation : 1- Create an inter process shared queue (and notifier)

TS:Initialisation : 2- Start LV interface in separate thread

TS:Initialisation : 3- Enqueue the notifier cluster to send their structures


This last step allows the LV interface to 'learn' the

Teststand's alternative names due to a different

naming convention. The fingerprints will now

store not only the Labview cluster's structure

and names, but also the Teststand's data type

and specific names.


This is mostly used by the interface to construct

a PropertyObject container that would be sent

back to Teststand using a notifier (SetEx), see

LV:Notification (current algorithm unfinished)

using the Teststand names, not the Labview's,

ensuring the match on notifier reception.


There is some variant converter helpers that

are used to format the variant/PropertyObject

into a fingerprint, and one that convert the

variant's names and data type from Teststand

to Labview, and vice versa.


I'm a bit stuck with these helpers because I have

some trouble finding how to construct the variant

and bundle variants into a cluster, inside another

variant, that could be finally casted to a cluster

using 'VariantToData'.


I think I'm very close to finish the interface that

would solve many people's trouble dealing with

data passing between Teststand and Labview,

so if someone would be kind enough to provide

the missing tiny bit of help, that would be great.


Sorry I'm pretty bad at drawing, so you'll get

only textual explanations of the concept, but

I hope it was clear enough.


And again, Happy New Year 🙂


David Koch


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

The remaining VIs, the other missing VIs can

be found in the OP or in similar thread dealing

with this issue :


BTW I'm a bit stuck there since my Teststand

evaluation has elapsed, as I had to spend

more time than expected on solving inter

process communication between Teststand

and Labview.




Don't hesitate to ask me for clarifications 🙂


David Koch

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

And of course, the Teststand sequence...


David Koch

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

OK, I get it, 'Cluster Info' returns an array of variant that

you can type check more or less recursively. But it

removes all variant data within, leaving an empty shell.




Good job buddies.


Time to retire myself.


David Koch

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9
Accepted by topic author Kochise

OK guys, I abandon any hope I had about getting this working.


This is a WIP Teststand container/Labview cluster relay engine.


Teststand 2013 -> TCS_main_2.0.4.seq (runs
Labview 2013 -> (runs
Labview 2013 -> (instruments interface)


The main idea was to catch Teststand enqueued containers,
convert them into a variant, analyse their structure and
match them with their Labview cluster counterpart.


The engine gets initialized with 'learning' the Labview
clusters data structures, storing the names and data type
of the different elements, as well as the cluster hierarchy.


A target data type format and an associated action are also
stored for each container/cluster identified.


Then the engine waits for incoming Teststand enqueued
containers, convert them into a variant, analyse their
structure and *TRY* to match them with the stored
previously analysed Labview clusters counterparts.


These are what I call the 'fingerprints' 🙂


The main three problems were... are :


1- Different naming convention (

2- Different data type format (
3- Different data structure (


I think I was very close to solve these issues, but I'm
running out of time. As a contractor, I've already spent
more than a man-month worth of work on this. Which is
far too much considering my dead-line.


I'm pretty sad to leave this unfinished, it would have
been awesome to get the cluster relaying engine up and
running, having just to enqueue a Teststand container
to get something done automatically on the other end
and just wait for a notification sent back for analysis.


What remains to be done are the following, as an exercise
left for the reader :


A- 'Explode' the data structure to match Teststand's
simpliest yet more verbose data format


That means for instance that a Labview waveform have to
be converted into a 3 datas cluster. You can read the
following document but it's not very clear about how
Labview data type formats are converted into their
corresponding Teststand counterpart :


Beware, that implies a lot of trial and error, like
creating a large Labview cluster with all the data
type supported, import it into Teststand and create
a custom data type, then compare each converted

data type one by one.


B- Point A would improve the matching between Teststand
containers and Labview clusters.


With a more mirroring data structure, it will indeed
help '' to compare
the Teststand container structure with the corresponding
Labview cluster structure, the elements' naming
convention still being different.


C- Data format conversion is to be done, place holders
are ready to be filled.


There's still a lot of work to do in ''.


Keep in mind that the 'FileGlobals.tcscluster' data type
mirrors (Teststand wise) the 'TCS_instruments_2.0.0.ctl'
type definition.


That means that a string was not converted into a waveform.
Data format should be very close from each other. Hence
there is no needs to focus too much on such "exotic" data
format conversions.


Thanks again to all the people that invested some time
into trying to help me solving this issue.


Thanks to nathand for his non-recursive cluster parser.


David Koch

Message 9 of 9