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Error Code -17500 The instance of the .NET class could not be retrieved.

Get Error Code:  -17500; Operation Failed.  Details are "The instance of the .NET class could not be retrieved."  Method not found: 'Void SNMP.Manager..ctor(System.Net.IPAddress)'.  The step that causes the run-time error in TestStand is where the object reference is created.  The step runs okay withing TestStand, but fails when run from Visual Studio 2008.

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Message 1 of 4

You mean it runs ok in Visual Studio and not TestStand right? (this is the opposite of what your post says). If not please clarify what exactly is not working.


What are you passing for the System.Net.IPAdddress parameter? Do you have another step that creates the System.Net.IPAddress object? Can you attach an example sequence which reproduces the problem?



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Message 2 of 4

To clarify, everything runs okay from TestStand.  When run from Visual Studio, the action step where I create the object generates a run-time error.  I am passing in a valid IP address as a string "" (hard coded for troubleshooting).  The test sequence is really quite simple as shown below:


Setup (1)

  PaceDLLSetup (this action step calls the DLL PaceSWAT.dll with the IP address passed in to create the object reference)
<End Group>

Main (2)

  Get Tuner 1 Channel (this action step calls PaceSWAT.dll with the object reference obtained above to query the UUT's channel)
  Message Popup (displays the channel)

<End Group>


I have not attached the sequence as the code will not run properly without my hardware as the Get Tuner 1 Channel step will result in a timeout.


Thanks for any feedback and assistance!

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Message 3 of 4

When you say "when run from Visual Studio" what exactly do you mean?  Do you mean that you have the PaceSWAT project open and have chosen the TestStand Sequence Editor as the executable to launch when debugging?


Also, from the error you got it looks like your constructor takes a System.Net.IPAddress object but you said you are passing it a string constant?  This should show as invalid in the Configure Class Constructor pane in the Sequence Editor since it is the wrong type.  Do you mean you are first creating a System.Net.IPAddress object from a string constant and then passing that in?

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Message 4 of 4