05-31-2012 06:08 AM
05-31-2012 09:35 AM
What call exactly is returning the error(s)?
05-31-2012 10:51 AM
I am sorry for the omission. As seen during a highlighted execution of the GUI, the error appears after the call of IApplicationMgr.Start (see attached image).
06-04-2012 03:22 AM
Can you make sure you have enough rights to connect to the database?
06-04-2012 08:03 AM
I think, I do have the rights to connect to the database.
The situation is really weird, because when I run the GUI the error appears and right after the error appears, the login dialog pops up. Then I have to reply sth to the login dialog (the login procedure seems to work just fine and the communication with the database works, too), after that I press ok to the error message, so that it goes away and immediately after that, the GUI stops. So, the connection to the database seems to work fine, but I still believe that the error has to do with the database, because when I try it with other login sequenceswithout a database connection, everything works. What else could be wrong??
06-05-2012 04:45 AM
Just to get it right:
You run the gui and the error appears. But after that you can still go on by entering a user and the corresponding password ->it gets accepted
But now you press ok to the error message and the vi is aborted.
Where's the difference between the call of the function when run independently and when run in the .seq?
06-05-2012 10:07 AM
I really can't think of a difference.. The only thing I know is, that when I run the sequence in the TestStand sequence editor it executes without problems and when I call it as a FrontEnd callback I get an error. No clue why.
Thanks for trying to help!
06-06-2012 06:39 AM
it seems your try to call a COM component that is not found
microsoft says: E_FAIL Unspecified failure
Maybe the cause for the problem could be found somewhere else!
06-06-2012 09:51 AM
The way station callbacks are run is not much different than how regular executions are run so it's unlikely that's the direct cause of any issue.
things to check:
1) Make sure you are using the station callbacks file you think you are and that the code is identical to what you are running directly. If there is a station callbacks file in the public directory that will override the one that exists in the program files directory.
2) try marking steps as skipped in your station callbacks file and see if the problem goes away. Which steps led to the problem?
Hope this helps,
06-17-2015 03:26 PM
I would just like to add this note to this thread in case anyone has this problem in the future. We happen to come up with the same error when converting from 2012 to 2014.
Long story short, check the "C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2012\Components\Callbacks\FrontEnd" folder for the frontendcallback.seq file. TS will look here first for the custom callbacks. Delete the file that is here and then see if the error goes away.
This solved our issue, hopefully it can help someone else.