NI TestStand

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Git and SCC





I have developed some big sequences for our system and for keeping them under control I want to add a SCC and I system for pushing different versions. In my company we use Git. I have tried to connect it to TestStand also by creating a project (is it mandatory?), but I don’t understand how to connect it. In the Source Control tab I can’t find anything and by opening the voice SCC Provider Options I receive this error:


I’m trying to understand if I have missed something. Going around I have found this product for TS, is there anyone that has already used it? Is it necessary for TS? Also because from NI sites I have found only information for LabVIEW (


Thank you for the help!


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi Zuc,


thanks for poting out this toolkit, I haven't heard about it up until now. Definitely worth a look!


In order to integrate an SCC into TestStand, you need to implement some kind of generic interface, which is what this toolkit seems to do


Nevertheless, you can use git or SVN with TestStand from CLI or FileExplorer plugins right away. If you store seq files als xml, the SCC will be able to handle the files even better.

Are you aware of the Diff/Merge utility that comes with TestStand?


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Oli,


yes i have already used it but i was searching for something that can work a bit better, otherwise everithing will be reduced to a push of a folder with the sequences and then getting it back when you have to check differences, maybe it is enough but before choosing a path i'im curius to explore all the possible solutions and the best practices. Do you have any advice?


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

TestStand integrates with any 32-bit SCC provider that supports the Microsoft Source Code Control Interface (aka MSSCCI – pronounced “Miss-Key”)64-bit TestStand supports 32-bit SCC providers only and does not support 64-bit SCC providers.

NI supports the following third-party SCC providers with TestStand:

  • Helix Core
  • SVN (PushOK plugins)

The following third-party SCC providers are allowed but not supported:

  • IBM Rational ClearCase
  • MKS Source Integrity
  • Serena Version Manager (PVCS)
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
Michał Bieńkowski

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0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

You can also check this one:


I haven't used it myself though. I don't bother with TS integration. I use

Michał Bieńkowski

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Message 5 of 5