01-14-2014 10:02 AM
I want do parallel test so i want to change message popup coordinate. I found top coordinate and left coordinate tab but i dont know what to write there. Thanks for help.
01-14-2014 10:32 AM
I'm pretty sure those coordinates are in number of pixels. So your expression needs to evaluate to a number.
So the Top and Left coordinate are relative to your screen (not your application).
Do you want the popup to show up on on it's respective window in the User Interface? Or do you want them just to show up in a spot depending on testsocket index? This could also depend on how many sockets you are running. Will you sockets be variable?
It all depends on what you want.
01-14-2014 10:44 AM
ı want do 2 test same time. I need two pop up whether overlapping
01-14-2014 06:14 PM
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "whether overlapping". Does that mean you want them to overlap or not?
The only way you can truly enforce them from not overlapping is if you know the size of the message popup at edit time. I say this because it dynamically changes sizes depending on images, number of characters, response, text size, etc... And there is not a way to get the full coordinates from TestStand.
Also, you need to take into account the screen size and resolution of the deployments PC.
01-18-2014 02:59 AM
I want to say not overlap
01-21-2014 08:38 AM
You will have to play around with it to make them not overlap but you can just have a base value for the top and bottom. Store those in a local variable.
Then for socket 0 use the base coordinates and then for socket 1 use the base coordinates + some factor.
Something like Locals.Top + (RunState.TestSockets.MyIndex * 200)
Something like that maybe?
01-24-2014 02:01 AM
Thanks for help. I changed it in message pop up settings. I write number of pixels to coordinate screen. I solved my problem. :))