07-23-2008 12:15 AM
07-23-2008 12:38 AM
07-23-2008 12:46 AM
07-23-2008 12:58 AM
Use the version of the file(s) found in your TS4.0 folder at \Compatibility\<VersionNumber> and copy them to your TS3.5 folder found at <TestStand>\Cfg\TypePalettes.
Remember to bake up your folders before you starts.
Ray Farmer
07-23-2008 11:32 PM
07-24-2008 12:21 AM
Hi Chris,
08-07-2008 07:10 PM - edited 08-07-2008 07:13 PM
08-08-2008 12:29 AM
Hi Chris,
Ok, I'll have a look at this later today and get back to you.
08-08-2008 10:44 AM
08-08-2008 03:19 PM - edited 08-08-2008 03:24 PM
Hi Manooch_H and Chris,
The 2nd suggestion would seems to be the route to take but doesn't seem to do what Manooch suggests. If you try to save a palette out as a previous version eg TS4.1 to TS3.5 then the WriteFile wants the compatibility version in the Compatibilty TS3.5 folder otherwise it generates an error.
"An error occurred calling 'Writefile' in PropertyObjectFile' of NI TestStand API 4.1. The compatibility type palette files for selected version could not be found"
Also you need to change the Path as it will overwrite the Current version. Again not what you want. Therefore, you can not seem to do what Chris wants to do because you need the compatibility version file to create the previous version type palette file. (Manooch, Maybe I doing something wrong...)
So the first option seems to be the only workable solution.
Point to bear in mind.
Adding Types to a SequenceFile Types then saving out to a previous version doesnt modify the Type fully if you dont have a compatibility file. ie Take the "Default Step Name Expression" of a Custom Step Type contains ResStr("CUSTOM_STEPTYPES", "DEFAULT_STEP_NAME").
This resource strings don't exist in Version 3.5 or lower and therefore when you load the SequenceFile into the previous version of TestStand eg TS3.5 it will generate an error.
Ray Farmer