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How to copy grouped custom steptypes to other computer an keep groups?


 i created some costum testtypes and grouped them in a custom folder so that i can select right-click + Insert Test + MyGroupName -> Selelct one of my steps.

Then i creates a new type-file (ini) and copied all steps also into there.


Now i have another computer where i want exactly the same groups. So i copied the ini file´to the machine and Added it to the types.

But now all my steps are located under the "Tests" folder and my custom groups is not shown.


I thought that the group information is also save in the types file (ini).


Question is: How can i copy my testtypes to another computer and keep the groups?




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Message 1 of 5

You have to deplay your TypePalettes.cfg (TS 2016+) as well.

CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

At least for versions of TestStand before 2016:

With a clean install without type palette customization, you should be able to add your type palette to a new machine that never had those types and have it put them approximately where they were on the machine on which the type palette file was last saved. An issue you might be hitting is that if the target machine ever had types with those names, it will have saved the previous location it had for those types in its testexec.ini file. So you might need to clear that info out of the target machine's testexec.ini to get the step types to show up in the desired location.


For 2016 or above, I'm not sure how things work.


Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi Norbert,

the TypePalettes.cfg (C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TestStand 2016 (32-bit)\Cfg) contains only information about which steptype-ini-files are were inserted to the TypePalettes.

But it is not listed in which groupname the steptype should be located when clicking on "Insert Step".


Do you have any other ideas?


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Message 4 of 5


It seams that this was never solved, so I will provide an answer and at the same time ask another question. The following will reveal that I use TestStand 2019.


The groups are stored in the file "C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TestStand 2019 (32-bit)\Cfg\GeneralEngine.cfg". So you can distribute this file to other computers.


I want to do something a bit similar. But what I want to do is to build NI Packages of my custom step types. As part of the installation I want to add the step type to a specific group and create the group if it does not exist. This means that I need to change the GeneralEngine.cfg file programmatically, and I would prefer to do I using the TestStand API from a LabVIEW VI. I have spend quite some time trawling thru the API functions, but I can only find a function which allow me to obtain a reference to the file. I cannot find any API functions for changing parameters in the file.

I hope someone (I guess a NI person) can give me hint to for this, thanks.

Best regards
Jens Christian Andersen.
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Message 5 of 5