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Is 'Custom Sequence Editor' + 'LabView Base' enough for a simple automated test system?

Using LabView and TestStand evaluation version I have successfully created my own automated test system. I used LabView for handling the hadware connections (serial port handling with VISA). I created some subVI to implement input and output control of my hardware devices. In TestStand I have managed to build simple test sequences. I used only action steps and test steps, calling hardware handling subVI-s in LabView. In future maybe I would like to use some flow control as well. And maybe I will use USB-6001 device also.

It is not obvious what is the difference between 'Test Stand Development System' and 'Custom Sequence Editor'. For me is it enough to buy only a LabView base license and a 'Custom Sequence Editor' license?


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Full Developer License:

Enables usage of Sequence Editor as sequence developement and debug tool. This includes many additional tools for documentation (e.g. Seuqence File Documentation tool) and performance analysis (e.g. Resource Usage tool) as well deployment (Deployment Utility). Some of these tools can be used in Custome Sequence Editor license as well, but are not exposed directly. Some of the tools cannot be used with Custom Sequence Editor license.

Target roles for Full Developer License: TestStand Architects; that means, developer responsible for the test framework. This includes among other things: Development of Custom UI, custom step types, adopting process models, custom reporting, ...


Custom Editor License:

Enables editing and saving modifications to sequence files using a customized UI (e.g. Full Featured UI). Limited debugging capabilities by UI, some tools are not accessible.

Target roles for Custom Editor License: Sequence Developers; that means, developer of sequences and code modules who are not working on process model/plugins, custom step types and stuff.


What you describe fits to Custom Editor license. However, creating deployment packages is something you should have the Full Dev license for. So unless you develop/debug directly on the target machine, you should maybe go for the Full Dev. If deployment is not an issue for you, the Custom Editor is ideal for you.



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