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Multiple references to the same instrument error

Hi All,


Having trouble completing a tutorial on Testand. (Developing Test Programs Using TestStand, Exercise 8:2) 


When running the sequence an error appears claiming I am running two instances of the same instrument.

The exercise is supposed to use two separate DMM while the other instruments share while testing multiple UUT.


Seems like I have a problem with my DMM.


Any ideas?



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Message 1 of 11

what labview version are you using?



Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Its TestStand 2016 (64 bit) and Labview 2017 (64 bit)





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Ok, It worked for me with TS 2014 (32 bit) and LV 2015 SP1 (32 bit).


I guess you did the setup.bat in Driver Simulation API  with out any problems.



Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

I did originally have issues with getting anything to work. I found out I had to change the adaptor settings to use the development server and not the RT server to fix the issue. This is the last exercise in the tutorial and until now everything has ran ok.


My gut is telling me this is a settings issue but I cant understand what it could be. The DMM initialise .vi is called twice, if it is already open then I can understand the error. It must first be closed before another instance can open the .vi.


Teststand is supposed to fix this by using two different references DMM0 and DMM1 to avoid this issue but for some reason when I run the sequence it gives me an error.

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Message 5 of 11

The instructions say to enter Golden for both uut serials. are you going this

Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Yeah I have tried "Golden" as the serial number plus others. Still complains of the error.



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Message 7 of 11

I have exactly the same problem, any other recommendation? 

TS 2017 32B & LV 2017f2 32B.


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Message 8 of 11

I think the issue has come from the values that you add in the module tab. I had the same problem.


For example, in the tutorials, there was said .- Replenish the "PowerSupply" value for the "Power Supply in" parameter. If you try to write "Power Supply" instead of "PowerSupply'' the error will come probably. 


Please double check all values that you add in module tabs.


Kind Regards,


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Message 9 of 11

I got it! I've been struggling with the same thing for a few hours. 

The Initialize DMM is working fine. Its the Shut Down DMM that is not functioning properly for me. The "Synchronization" in the Shut Down DMM needs to be set to "Serial (one thread at a time)" or it will only close the first instance and future runs will fail.



PS: You may need to open the Shut Down DMM VI and use it on DMM0 and DMM1 before this fix will take effect.

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Message 10 of 11