NI TestStand

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MyDaq using Teststand example

Hi I hope you're all well,I was looking for a bit of assistance, i've been doing the labview core 1 and 2 and the first teststand course and the  labview programming is coming on with a myDaq i've been using for various applications. What i was wondering was if anyone had any basic teststand programs for using a myDaq that i could download to try out and have a go using teststand with the myDaq. its just to get an idea how  the myDaq would be setup on teststand and get a basic a voltage type test to try out.


any help or assistance would be appreciated




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Message 1 of 3

TestStand doesn't directly use DAQmx, instead, it will be used through one of the supported ADE, like LabVIEW.


If you already know how to use a LabVIEW VI with TestStand, just code your DAQmx calls within LabVIEW, that's it.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Santhosh for the reply, i had hoped i could have used the myDaq to setup a bench test. Would the Daqmx be put in the setuparea or the step area ?




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Message 3 of 3