07-14-2015 04:33 AM
Hi everybody,
I created under matlab a code that acquire data from two strain gauges, each one is made of two resistances, each gauge is configured as a half bridge fixed to a beam using NI9237, the aim of my code is to estimate the applied force to the beam, my problem is that at the in the end of acquisition i do not get the expected value of the applied force, the error is about 77%, i checkek very well every single line of my matlab's code based on the instructions from the following page (http://nl.mathworks.com/help/daq/acquire-analog-input-data.html), i am pretty sure that the problem comes from the device or something like this, cause i checked the coefficients that convert strain to force under a finite element software and the the result was as expected, somehow the output voltage that i get isn't correct.
Can any one help please :s ??
07-14-2015 04:43 AM
Petite correction:
L'erreur est d'à peu près 50%
Merci 🙂
07-14-2015 05:39 AM
07-14-2015 06:09 AM
Why don't you give me the right one?
07-14-2015 09:16 AM
07-14-2015 12:13 PM
The problem isn't a Mathlab problem but an NI one, furthermore i didn't get any useful answer until now.
07-14-2015 12:54 PM